Nov '19

2-Story Building with a 3-Story Ministry
Nov '19

As the 71Five VoTech building is getting ready to be used for God’s glory… I find trash and needles on our doorstep. As I walked thru the building I saw that the second floor is completely missing with the doors and windows piled up in a heap. Then it dawned on me that this building has not seen new light for over 40 years. As I stood there in awe, our contractor came over to me and said, “This is not a remodel, this is a new construction!” At that moment, God impressed upon me that this is what he wants to do in me. I understood that He wants to do a deeper work in me. I also see how this building will bring new light and life to this neighborhood. But most importantly, be a transforming influence in the hearts of the students that will be attending here as Jesus the carpenter does his transforming work in them.
There it is… My story, their story and Gods story, all for His Glory. Come and be a part of God’s work of letting in the light to the young adults of our Rogue Valley. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB