Nov '24

God With Us!
Nov '24

As we celebrate the upcoming Christmas season, we are celebrating the fact that God Himself came ‘near’ through the birth of Jesus (Emmanuel, God with us). He came to help in the struggles of this world and bring us hope. This is in essence what 71Five strives to do. Through seeking out young people, building trusting relationships, and sharing God’s story of hope, we brought God ‘near’ to more than 1100 youth around our Valley this past year. This year has had its challenges, more than any other I can remember. But… We’ve seen God do amazing things in the lives of many young people. Our confidential survey shows what has been accomplished.
• 85% have a decreased interest in using drugs and alcohol!
• 78% reported having fewer thoughts of self-harm!
• 83% say they have more hope for their future!
Would you help 71Five finish strong? Your gifts are investments into the lives of young people, and as you can see, you are accomplishing great things! Will you go above and beyond with a special year-end gift? Our year-end matching gift will double every dollar, allowing us to bring the hope of Jesus ‘near’ to even more lost and hurting young people.
• 85% have a decreased interest in using drugs and alcohol!
• 78% reported having fewer thoughts of self-harm!
• 83% say they have more hope for their future!
Would you help 71Five finish strong? Your gifts are investments into the lives of young people, and as you can see, you are accomplishing great things! Will you go above and beyond with a special year-end gift? Our year-end matching gift will double every dollar, allowing us to bring the hope of Jesus ‘near’ to even more lost and hurting young people.
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
541.779.3275 | bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB