Nov '21

a heartwarming surprise
Nov '21

At the Night of Mystery, I heard my name being shouted. I looked up and saw Christy running to give me a huge hug. She said “I was literally just saying how I really hoped I’d see you tonight.” It was a heartwarming surprise as I wasn’t sure of the last impression I’d made. The last time I saw Christy was when I drove her and 8 other students to the Redding Water Park a few months back. We had a blast talking, listening to music, eating junk food, and laughing the entire time! But there were times when I had to pause the fun and discipline them while driving, particularly Christy… and not just once, or even twice, but multiple times. That’s what made Christy’s hug all the more special! Even though I gave her some tough love that trip, I see she knows deep down I really care about her. Sometimes tough love is really just love.
God’s Word reminds us we must let go of our fears and do what is right, trusting He has control of the situation [1 Peter 3:14]. A little bit of tough love for a van full of students made a difference in the life of at least one young person. It created a bond that has now grown into a beautiful friendship. Thanks to you, trusting relationships can be formed between caring adults and young people. Relationships that lead our youth from trust to hope.
DARLENE HARPER, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 | darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB