Sep '22

A Light of Hope. . .
Sep '22

Walter, one of the kids I work with had a big change during the 71Five Highschool camp this summer. During the 71Five Camp he decided to share a poem he wrote a couple months ago. The poem speaks about negative thoughts that were eating at him for some time. He had read some verses in the Bible that made him feel like he was an “abomination” to God.
I was able to open the Bible and show him there was a greater context he was missing. I talked to him about the fact that through Jesus we can all find forgiveness and hope. We read, wept, and prayed right then. Near the end of the camp, he came up to me with a new poem. It spoke about, even though he has dark thoughts, there is now a light of hope he can see coming from heaven.
Thank you for providing opportunities for kids like Walter to go to 71Five Camp… His life is changing for good.
LEIF AMUNDSEN, 71Five Campus Interim Coordinator – Ashland
(541) 840-0059 | leif@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB