Feb '19

a Senior Project
Feb '19

The first meeting… there’s always a ‘first meeting’ with every kid. This is the time to get acquainted… but more importantly, it is time to lay a foundation of trust and respect. Like steel in concrete, trust & respect create a solid base upon which to build a relationship and become positioned to share the hope that can be found in knowing God & His Son, Jesus. Yesterday was the first meeting with Michael & Jeff. As their Senior Project to graduate from Central High School they will partner with me to set up and host the next 71Five Connect Workshop. As 71Five Connect alumni, they know its value to their fellow students. I must encourage, challenge, and help build them to become more than they are, to have a greater vision for who they might become. First meetings are critical because from small beginnings the course of a life may be changed for all eternity.
God has opened a door through Youth 71Five Ministries for more of His people to bring life-changing hope into the lives of kids… join us in the mission.- MATT SWEENEY, 71Five Connect Director and Ministry Coordinator matt@71five.org