Aug '20

Apology Accepted
Aug '20

Samantha has been coming to club for a couple of years now. She’s had her struggles but recently she started projecting her frustrations towards me.
Samantha would make disrespectful comments, blame me for things, and has started being rebellious. Building trust takes time and Samantha wasn’t ready to open up about what was going on. One night at club, Samantha decided to argue during the lesson. Afterward, she pulled me aside and apologized for the way she’d been treating me. She said her family is going through a lot right now. You see, Samantha came home the week before to find her mom passed out from drinking too much, had gotten sick and let’s just say she was a mess. Not only did Samantha have to care for her mother and clean her up… she had to be the adult. To top it all off, because of these circumstances, they were given a 10-day eviction notice.
Now you may be thinking this scenario is rare but the fact is, these situations are very common in the daily lives of many youth in our community. Samantha’s family is currently living in a motel with nowhere to go and very little hope. So are many other families just like hers. But, Samantha learns about the hope found only through Jesus Christ when we share the gospel at 71Five and the impact Samantha has on her family by bringing that hope home is priceless. Thank you for making this possible! FARRAH GUTHRIE 71Five Campus Coordinator- Grants Pass (541) 779-3275 farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB