Dec '19

Are they ready?
Dec '19

As a parent, it is hard to imagine that in only a few months my 14-year-old son will be allowed by the state to start driving me around the city with real people on the roads. As much as I love my son, the question keeps coming to mind, “Is he ready… or not?” As the 71Five Campus North Medford Area Director, I feel this way with a lot of the kids I work with. These kids are about to be released into the world and will be our next leaders or our next burdens on society. I would prefer they are followers of Jesus who will help correct many of the wrongs in our community. I often fear we may get instead: drug addicts, porn addicts, and alcoholics desperately searching for jobs they don’t qualify for. These kids are about to become “something”.
I’m thankful we have the transforming love of Jesus to share with these kids. I’m thankful for the few volunteers who step up and invest in the lives of these young people helping them make the right decisions. But, it often feels like it’s not enough. We desperately need more volunteers. We need more people who will help make a difference in the lives of teens. Young people are being formed into “something”… will you help transform them into Jesus followers?
Give us a call at (541) 779-3275 or visit our website at 71five.org to find out how you can make a difference in the life of a young person. TIM HARDY 71Five Campus Area Director – North Medford (541) 779-3275 tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb