May '21

As He Is
May '21

Tucker excitedly yelled my name and told me he finally gained enough courage to attend my church’s youth night and how much he loved it! I was thrilled, and we excitedly jumped with joy! He shared, “I’ve never felt like I could fit in anywhere, especially with my social anxiety, but at 71Five I feel really welcomed, and I can just be myself and be accepted for who I am and how I am. That’s why I keep coming and that’s how I felt at church… AND my anxiety wasn’t even triggered!!! I’m so glad I went!”
71Five is a mission of the local church. We strive to plug youth into the local church where they can find fellowship, be a part of a safe community, learn and attain a deeper understanding of the Gospel. Thank You for making Tucker feel welcomed and accepted just as he is. Because of you, we are able to lovingly guide Tucker and many other young people towards a grander community that will forever love them as Christ loves us.
DARLENE HARPER, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 | darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB