Posted on Feb 14, 2022 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

I’d like to share with you a letter I received from one of the youth that was lodged at the Juvenile Detention Center.
Dear Youth 71Five Ministries,
I’d just like to write this to let you all know that I’m very grateful and appreciative of you guys for coming in and talking to us about God. It’s done a lot to strengthen my belief in God and to learn to trust that there is a method to the madness that life is sometimes. I’d also like to thank you guys for the food, all of the food that you’ve brought in for us, it’s very kind and generous of you guys to do that for us. Again, I thank you guys with all of my heart for all you’ve shared with me these last six months. I won’t forget it!
-Sincerely, Mahlon
When he says “You Guys” he means YOU! Thank you for your partnership in this ministry, sharing true hope with kids in difficult places…and for providing all of the food.
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Ministry Director
(541) 601-9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Dec 6, 2021 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

I’d like to share with you a message I recently received from a key 71Five Justice Volunteer. . .
Youth 71Five Ministries has been part of my life for 20 years. I was in and out of Juvenile Detention as a teenager and struggled to find my way. At my lowest point in detention, God showed up through the staff and volunteers of 71Five Justice. There, I got to know a man named Matt Sweeney. Fast forward several years and Matt counseled my wife and I and married us at our wedding. Matt has been such a blessing to me and my family. If you are staff, a financial partner, or a volunteer for 71Five, I thank you for all that you do! Your involvement with these youth is LIFE CHANGING! It may have taken me 15 years to fully know Jesus, but it was made possible by the men and women who are serving Him with their time, resources, and finances at 71Five.
Things have come full circle for me. God has provided the opportunity to serve on the 71Five Justice team as a volunteer, and I live a life that I never thought was possible.
Thank you! – Israel Pogrebinsky, 71Five Justice Volunteer
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Coordinator
(541) 601-9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Nov 18, 2021 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

With a mix of sadness and joy I attended the memorial service of Don Hildebrand to honor a life well lived. As part of the service, Don’s daughter Holly read a poem written to celebrate Don. What an amazing poem! The part that struck me personally was a line that referenced Sir Isaac Newton’s quote about how he could ‘see further because he stood on the shoulders of giants.’ That comment really captures how I and Youth 71Five Ministries connect with Don.
Don came to Oregon to be the Director of a tiny chapter of Youth for Christ in 1973. Over the next 20 years he turned that tiny organization into a well-known and much respected ministry to kids in the Rogue Valley. By the time Don hired me in 1991, everyone around town seemed to know the “oldest teenager in the Rogue Valley.” Radio shows, haunted houses, Mexico trips and golf tournaments put the name of Rogue Valley Youth for Christ into the headlines but much more importantly; an adventuresome spirit, a love of fun, a caring heart and a passion for Jesus brought hope into the lives of kids.

So here I am almost 30 years later sitting in the same seat Don sat in with an active and thriving ministry, but I can tell you this, we’ve reached this height because we stand on the shoulders of a giant. Rogue Valley Youth for Christ and now Youth 71Five Ministries have a tremendous heritage and the trust of our community because of what God did in and through the life of Don Hildebrand. A few things I’ve personally learned from Don and think about almost daily: first, don’t be too busy for those who need you; second, lead with fun: and last, love kids toward Jesus. These qualities of Don’s legacy are still hallmarks of 71Five.
I will miss his energy and bounce, his skill in sarcastic repartee, and the best work-related compliments I’ve ever been given. But… I know I’ll see him again, and in the meantime I’ll keep serving God, grateful to be standing on the shoulders of a giant.
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
(541) 779-3275 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Sep 13, 2021 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

What a great way to be greeted at Mod Pizza when you walk in the door! Clayton is a kid I met in detention a couple years ago. He was transferred to Barriers to Bridges, a 6-month residential program at the detention center and participated in 71Five Justice’s Break the Cycle bike program every week. When we politely tried to refuse his generosity, he said, “I really want to do this for you, you have done so much for me, I want to pay it forward! And you know, you can give me a hug now if you want to!” After a big hug, and lots of smiles all the way around, we got our food and he asked if he could join us for his break. He told us how grateful he was for Youth 71Five Ministries during his time in the program and we made plans to connect.
What a blessing to build these friendships and have such a powerful platform from which to share the hope that lies in the gospel! Thank you for all that you do to ensure this work continues in these trying times. May God bless you all richly.
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Coordinator
(541) 601-9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jun 23, 2021 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

“I NEED HELP AND NO ONE IS HELPING! I want to change; I don’t want to use and drink anymore but I don’t know how!” The Lord heard this young man’s cry for help in Juvenile Detention and showed up big-time. Today he is at the 6-month residential program called Barriers to Bridges inside the detention center with only a month to go. He is now a follower of Jesus, attends church twice a week, will be moving in with the pastor of Family Christian Ministry when he graduates, rides with 71Five Justice’s Break the Cycle twice a week and is excited for his future.
This is the work you do— building trusting relationships that lead to true hope. You just can’t argue with a changed life!
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Coordinator
(541) 601-9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Mar 29, 2021 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

“I NEED HELP AND NO ONE IS HELPING! I want to change; I don’t want to use and drink anymore but I don’t know how!” This is music to my ears because I have been there, and I know the solution. So often, until we come to the end of ourselves we don’t give Jesus much to work with—He requires us to surrender to Him. Dylan was a hard-fisted young man, short in stature and tough as nails with a ruddy face and a big heart. He is a natural leader who, even though he is younger than most of the other boys, they all look up to him and respect him. Jesus heard his cry and met him right there that night in detention.
Thank you for your partnership in ministry. Whether it’s your time and talent or financially—you are reaching kids in tough places and changing lives forever.
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Coordinator
(541) 601-9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jan 4, 2021 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

Over 20 years ago, I used to faithfully attend a Youth for Christ outreach called “The Adventure Club.” We met every Thursday evening at the climbing wall in Ashland. I was a rebellious un-churched youth and I certainly wasn’t there for the 15 minute “Jesus talk” in the middle. 20 years later, I was sure of was the character of the man who led the group. I knew him. I trusted him. He had proven himself on many levels to be trustworthy. It helped that he was cool and that he took us to rad places like Mt. Bachelor and Mt. Bailey for adventures. 20 years later, it was his testimony that allowed me to take a leap of faith and trust Jesus for the first time. I now realize it was because I already knew Jesus, and trusted Him, because I had seen His character and love in the man who led the Adventure Club.
This story is encouraging to me in my line of work. There are many rebellious and struggling youths that I have to trust God with, because sometimes I don’t see fruit from our time together. My boss can relate, he used to lead the Adventure Club all those years ago, his name is Bud Amundsen. I have tears in my eyes as I write this because like many of the stories Jesus writes, it is beautiful. Thanks for making miracles like this happen through your support of this vital ministry. God bless you.
BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Coordinator (541) 779.3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Oct 12, 2020 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

Recently my 8-week old son was ill, he had a high fever and after a trip to the Emergency Department he was admitted to the Pediatric unit. Days later and after many horribly invasive tests they still had no idea what was causing the fever. Late Sunday, I was home with our 2-year old daughter when my wife called, she said they had received the results from the latest blood work and it didn’t look good. On my way to the hospital, I considered that my son may not survive this ordeal, my heart and whole being ached for him. I cried out to God, “Lord, I trust you and know that you are good but WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” And that is when, at the corner of Central and Jackson he whispered into my right ear, “See how you love him? That is a shadow of how I love you.” This wrecked me. I now understood that for me this was about my heavenly Father showing me just how much He loves me. About how much He loves all His kids. At that moment, He gave me peace. I was able to face my wife and be strong for her, with confidence, that regardless of what happened, He was going to use this for our good, because we love Him and are called according to His purpose.
This experience has enlarged my heart, for my family, co-laborers, volunteers, and most importantly, the lost and broken kids we minister to. Baby Beau is fully recovered, thank you for the overwhelming amount of love, support and prayers. BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Coordinator (541) 779.3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jul 30, 2020 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

Sunday, right before church I received a call, “I got drunk last night and didn’t come home, now I’m on the run.” Bummer… “Where are you?” I asked. “On the corner of such and such…” To which I replied, “I’m on my way!” My friendship with this young man began in detention 3 ½ years ago. We built trust during his time there and I followed him through the system at various programs and eventually prison. When he was released, we grew even closer as he plugged into 71Five Justice’s Break the Cycle bike program, and he rode with us twice a week. A trusting relationship is key. Sticking with him through the ins and outs, the ups and downs, a foundation of trust was built.
When he trusted me enough to meet up, it led to him turning himself in to law enforcement and getting back on track. You make the vital work of building trusting relationships and standing in the gap a reality. Thank you!! BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Coordinator (541) 779.3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 26, 2020 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0

Please take a moment and pray for the youth involved in 71Five Justice. . . For the young man who was released from Rogue Valley Correctional Facility recently, who we met in detention years ago and remained connected with as he bounced in and out of many different programs across Oregon. He is connected with a church, 71Five Justice’s Break the Cycle and is being discipled as he is currently making all the right choices. For another youth who, unfortunately, relapsed and was kicked out of his mom’s house. The many other youth struggling with addiction, having relapsed during the COVID-19 health crisis. For the two young men working for a friend of mine doing landscape construction and thriving. Another youth who is getting over a neck injury, studying to get his GED, and looking for work. AND… for the 5 youth currently in Detention who have committed to getting to know Jesus!
Please pray for the many other youth and their families who are struggling in various ways. There are so many. It can be overwhelming at times. Thank you for joining in this important work of sharing the hope of Jesus, it’s more important now than ever before. BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Coordinator (541) 779.3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB