Sep '20

Sharing Lunch
Sep '20

Two weeks ago, as the boys from B2B Juvenile Justice sat down for lunch, they all pulled out the bag of chips and then set the rest of their bag lunches on the workbench. I asked what was going on and their staff leader said, “They want to donate their lunches to the homeless in our neighborhood.” Being overwhelmed, I turned to one of my volunteers and asked, “What just happened here?” He said, “These young men have been treated with respect and have seen what sharing and giving is like. I guess, in their way, they want to give back.” Then one young man said without hesitation, “We have plenty, we’ll eat again later.” They’ve been sharing their lunches ever since.
In a gentle and organic way, these young men are becoming followers of Jesus’ example and are feeling the blessing that comes with giving. I believe, the boy that gave Jesus his loaves and a couple of fish was blessed much more than the people who were fed. I hope you are blessed by this report as you too are giving and caring for these young adults in so many different ways. Come join us to further the great commission… making followers of Jesus. My phone number is (541) 779-3275. Hoping we’ll talk soon! LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Coordinator (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jul '20

how to repair a lawn mower…
Jul '20

Our staff here at 71Five VoTech love the Lord and want to use their craft and skills to further His Kingdom. Our staff here at 71Five VoTech love the Lord and want to use their craft and skills to further His Kingdom. One skill is small engine repair. Now, every once in a while I hear stories of what we call ‘Superhero Moments’ and this one made me laugh. Chad recently learned how to repair a lawn mower and was excited about his newfound skills. Soon after, his stepdad’s lawn mower wouldn’t start. So, he said to Chad, “Well, you learned how to fix lawn mowers at 71Five VoTech, right? Do you think you can fix this?” Chad said, “I sure can!” and he went to work. A few minutes later the mower roared to life and his dad exclaimed how proud and grateful he was for the skills Chad learned at 71Five VoTech. Later, during our bible discussion time, I asked if anyone had a question about a bible passage and Chad immediately opened up and asked some very deep questions about God creating man in His image. I saw this as a great place to start, and I was able to share not only about the passage, but the Gospel as well.
You have allowed 71Five VoTech to be a safe place for youth to not just learn skills but to learn about God’s Word as well. Thank you! If you want to join our team and share your craft, skills, and story please contact me at (541) 779-3275 or Larry@71Five.org. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Coordinator (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '20

Finding His Niche
Apr '20

Arthur is a young man in the Barriers to Bridges (B2B) program who is also on the autism spectrum. He never talks, never smiles, always looks down and doesn’t participate in much. How he ended up in the Juvenile Justice System is a mystery to our team. One day Arthur was introduced to Mike, our welding instructor. Arthur spent a lot of time in the welding shop where he seemed to learn and thrive as he melted metal plates together. At the start of the last B2B class the director asked for volunteers to go into the welding lab and work on a project. Arthur lifted his head and for the first time, smiled and raised his hand. It appears he has found his niche at 71Five VoTech and is becoming one very good welder.
This niche that Arthur found was created by you through your support, prayers and encouragement. Please consider joining us with your Time and Talents to widen this ‘niche’ into a ‘valley’ of hope. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Where I got my start…
I have found amazing things happen by treating young people with respect, giving them projects to work on, and allowing them to make mistakes. We also need to listen to our youth. When we do these things… What I found is “They thrive.” Many of the youth come from horrendous home lives or no home lives at all, like the youth from 71Five Justice who spend 2 days a week in our 71Five VoTech training program. The boys recently built a large scrap wood box. As we painted it, one of the boys exclaimed, “I have never painted anything before in my life.” Later, while eating pizza after class, another young man called out, “Someday I’m bringing my family here to show my sons where I got my start.”
Pslam 22:6 states: Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. The NIV renders train as “Start” This is how you are effecting the youth of our Rogue Valley build trust that leads to Hope. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Nov '19

2-Story Building with a 3-Story Ministry
Nov '19

As the 71Five VoTech building is getting ready to be used for God’s glory… I find trash and needles on our doorstep. As I walked thru the building I saw that the second floor is completely missing with the doors and windows piled up in a heap. Then it dawned on me that this building has not seen new light for over 40 years. As I stood there in awe, our contractor came over to me and said, “This is not a remodel, this is a new construction!” At that moment, God impressed upon me that this is what he wants to do in me. I understood that He wants to do a deeper work in me. I also see how this building will bring new light and life to this neighborhood. But most importantly, be a transforming influence in the hearts of the students that will be attending here as Jesus the carpenter does his transforming work in them.
There it is… My story, their story and Gods story, all for His Glory. Come and be a part of God’s work of letting in the light to the young adults of our Rogue Valley. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Nov '19

no “tricks”
Nov '19

After eating a fantastic meal donated by Hawaiian Hut, we sat down to talk about this week’s movie. I wanted to share about All Saints Day… not my usual connection between the movie and God’s word. I asked the kids, What was your favorite scene? At that point a parent raised her hand and said her favorite scene was when the main character did everything in His power to save and protect the little girl. Then a girl in the group said, “That’s what God does for us.” The group made the connection even when I had a different plan. God’s love and grace were proclaimed… the group was preaching to me! Now that was a treat I will cherish for a while. Together we are building trust with families that leads to the hope of life and freedom in Jesus.
No “tricks” here… Just the sweet “treats” of God’s love! Join us in reaching even more families and youth in our neighborhoods, schools, and communities. Please contact us at www.71Five.org or call 541-779-3275 LARRY LICATO 71Five City Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Sep '19

Bitter to Sweet
Sep '19

In anticipation of becoming the new 71Five VoTech Director, I did some traveling this summer to renew and acquire some certifications to pass on to our students. Before I left I ran into one of the young men who graduated from our program. He related to me how grateful he was for the training and is now employed at an automotive company here in the Valley. I was encouraged to hear his story and asked him, “So where are you living”? He said, with no remorse, “I’m living in my car”. Wow, really, I thought! When I asked why he said, “I’m saving money to move into my own place with a friend”. This young man is working hard but it’s tough!
It just so happens our new VoTech Center will have transitional housing for situations like this. But more importantly— beyond learning tech skills, students will also learn about life in Christ. This comes as they hear God’s message, moving them into a trust that leads to Hope in Jesus. This young man is trying hard and moving forward, with your continued involvement we’ll see his and many more lives move from bitter to sweet. Thank you! LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
It just so happens our new VoTech Center will have transitional housing for situations like this. But more importantly— beyond learning tech skills, students will also learn about life in Christ. This comes as they hear God’s message, moving them into a trust that leads to Hope in Jesus. This young man is trying hard and moving forward, with your continued involvement we’ll see his and many more lives move from bitter to sweet. Thank you! LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Aug '19

Sitting at the gate
Aug '19

It was Sunday morning, and I was sitting in the airport missing my wife as we had barely an hour together from the time I returned home from High School camp until I had to be at the airport. I was flying to New York for a class needed for our new vocational training program: 71Five VoTech. Sitting at the gate, I prayed for an opportunity to share about Jesus with someone. At the gate in Chicago, it happened… A young lady walked by and exclaimed, “I’m missing my Sunday School class.” I looked up at her and said: “So am I!” The ladies with her mentioned she was the teacher. “So am I!” I said. With the biggest smile, she shared about her middle school class. I shared about a topic from camp, how Jesus said in the garden; “Father, not my will but yours be done.” The ladies with her said how good that passage is because it reminds how real Jesus is and him going to the cross is not to be taken lightly. Then the lady exclaimed. “Oh my, we just held Sunday School!”
I think many others around us attended Sunday School as well, clearly hearing about the trust that leads to hope in Jesus. LARRY LICATO 71Five City Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '19

“Are you okay?”
May '19

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks and know it’s from the Lord? On the Friday before Mother’s Day, we honored moms at our Family Fun Night showing the movie: ‘Mars needs Mom’s.’ There’s a mom who comes from a very dangerous situation who brings her young son. In the middle of the movie, the boy suddenly walked out. I followed him outside and tried my best to convince him to come back inside. He was very angry for what seemed to be no reason. I first asked nicely, then with a bit more explanation and finally, I thought, I’ll just demand he go inside. That’s when it happened… As if Jesus stood between me and the boy, put his hand on my chest and said, “Stop! Larry, he’s hurting.” Wow, my heart changed, and my head cleared. I walked over and sat next to him, leaned in and whispered, “Are you okay?” He went from anger to sorrow and wept so hard he couldn’t breathe. “What’s up buddy?” He said, “I miss my dad and haven’t seen him for 1 year and 5 months.” I told him that I understood because I miss my dad too. I asked him, “Would you like to pray?” He said, “No… I’m not ready yet.” After a few moments in silence, he caught his breath, wiped his tears, and we quietly went inside… met by a hug from his waiting mom.
We ended the evening with a message about the sacrificial love of mothers, even when we do stupid things or make bad choices and how Jesus’ love for us is even greater. Your involvement brings trust that leads to hope in a place that’s physically, emotionally and spiritually safe. If you’d like to get more involved with 71Five City, please check us out at 71Five.org or call me at (541) 779-3275 and don’t forget to tell your mom you love her, no matter what day it is! LARRY LICATO 71Five City Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Mar '19

Can You Explain Forgiveness?
Mar '19

At 71Five City, there’s a single dad who has brought his daughters for about 3 years. A nice guy, hard worker and a good dad. I can see in his eyes he’s exhausted by Friday night yet he often stays to helps clean up. A few weeks ago he took me aside and said, “I need to speak to you”. As we sat at the table he leaned in and yelled: “Explain forgiveness? There’s so much evil in this world. How can God forgive evil people?” I shared with him that God’s grace is available to anyone that would believe. God sent His son, Jesus who died for us and rose again so anyone who wanted His free gift of freedom and eternal life can have it. Even people who had done evil things. By the end of our time, this dad was amazed by the truth of the Gospel. He said he’d never looked at God’s love that way. Then he asked if we could meet again because he wants to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. And we will.
Each Friday, here at 71Five City, I present the Gospel to kids in some creative way, but I know the parents are also listening. In 1 Peter 3:15 it says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
Thank you, my friends, for creating a safe place for kids… and parents, to hear the message of Hope that’s within you and me. – LARRY LICATO, 71Five City Director larry@71Five.org