Oct '21

not a fan?
Oct '21

Cody doesn’t hide his hesitation towards God. We’ve been getting to know Cody throughout the summer. He comes to almost all of our club nights and events. We have seen that Cody isn’t the most interested in the activities at club and he has shown us that he is not a fan of Christianity. He doesn’t always want to be involved in games, has walked away during prayer, and has rolled his eyes and become audibly irritated when we say it’s time for the message. Although Cody does these things, he still shows up week after week. You can tell that he feels loved and cared for by the leaders because he is sad and asks about them when they aren’t around and is affectionate when they are around. At the end of every club we ask for prayer requests. One week, Cody had remembered that one of our leaders knew someone battling Covid and he brought up that we should pray for that person. Cody went from walking away irritated during prayer, to suggesting we pray for someone who was struggling.
It is amazing to see the way God moves in the hearts of young people. The kids don’t often tell us how their lives are being transformed by God, but we get to witness it in moments like this.
MELANIE CIENFUEGOS, 71Five Campus – Phoenix Talent Coordinator
(916) 671-4128 | melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '21

My Hope
Apr '21

“You’re the one I trust!” A young girl who comes to the 71Five Campus ‘club’ every week said these words to me privately as we were wrapping up one night. This young girl has been struggling mentally… emotionally… and spiritually for a year… or longer. She has chosen little by little to open up about her life and the things she’s going through. It’s clear she desires for someone to hear her and I desire to be the one who listens. We’ve bonded through fun times at club each week, listening, and showing her that I am here for her. We’ve developed a real, trusting relationship. My greatest hope is that the trust she’s placed in me will lead her to find real hope and an authentic trusting relationship with Jesus. Our hope at 71Five is that young people will discover and believe Christ’s great love and proclaim the words, “God, you’re the one I trust!”
Thank you for the work you do to provide opportunities to be here for the young people in our community.
MELANIE CIENFUEGOS, 71Five Campus – Phoenix Talent Coordinator
(541) 671-4128 | melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jan '21

Given Help
Jan '21

I first met Jay when she was in 5th grade coming to the Phoenix Good News Club that meets at our 71Five Campus – Phoenix Youth Center. Through learning about Jesus at Good News Club over the years, she put her faith in Christ. Like so many students, this past summer and current school year haven’t been easy on Jay. She has asthma, and it’s bad, so she was stuck inside her trailer from March thru August due to the fear of contracting COVID-19. We would call often, since she was struggling with deep depression. Then in September the fires roared through our communities and Jay’s trailer became unlivable due to smoke damage. At the same time, Jay was starting her first year of middle school virtually. She and her family were thankfully given help and had a temporary living situation in a good hotel and now have a new place to live.
2020 was a hard year for many. We work with kids like Jay who have a heavy load and are in need of hope and light in their world. Jay began coming to 71Five Campus in September and every week she gets to learn more about Jesus and she always has the biggest smile on her face. We are incredibly grateful to build trusting relationships with young people and come alongside them through their highs and their lows. You give us this opportunity. Thank you!
MELANIE CIENFUEGOS, 71Five Campus – Phoenix Talent Coordinator
(541) 671-4128 | melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Nov '20

Love Pursues 💕
Nov '20

Em always showed up in dark clothing and wouldn’t show her smile much. She preferred to sit far away from everyone, be on her phone, and wasn’t interested in participating in our activities. As weeks went by, we kept investing in Em. We’d ask her questions about her life and would find ways to get her interested in joining in. When kids were leaving to go home, we’d make sure to tell her that we loved seeing her and we’re excited to see her next time. Real love pursues, it doesn’t give up, it’s patient. At a recent 71Five Campus club night, Em walked in and she was wearing brighter clothing. We saw her smile more and she sat closer to the group engaging in conversation and laughing with everyone. We believe these visible outward changes, show Em feels loved and safe at 71Five.
Our hope is that she’ll come to know and believe the joyous truth of the Gospel. That even though we live in a world full of darkness, we have the hope and the light of Jesus Christ that saves us. “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” [John 12:46]. Thank you to all of you who partner with us financially, as volunteers, or as prayer warriors. You make this ministry possible! MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Coordinator – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Aug '20

reluctant smile peeked through
Aug '20

John and his brother consistently come to 71Five Campus. We’ve found out they come from a broken home. They have moved around a lot and don’t have a consistent father figure in their lives. During one of our Friday night clubs, John and his brother got into an argument. John already seemed to be a little off this particular night and this pushed him over the edge. He picked up his backpack and left the youth center. As I stepped outside to talk to him, he was nowhere in sight. I called for him and soon everyone else was calling for him too. After a couple of minutes, John came walking from around the corner. I was so relieved to see him. My husband, Tyler, went up to him privately and asked, “Are you okay?” and John said, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Tyler looked him in the eyes and said, “You seriously scared us John… never do that again!” John nodded, but a reluctant smile peeked through. He scared us because we care about him, and he felt it in Tyler’s words. Incidents like this build trust. Young people learn we are here for them not because we have to be but because we sincerely care about and value them.
71Five Campus gives us the opportunity to build trusting relationships with kids like John. Through caring relationships, young people can come to know Jesus and His unconditional love. These opportunities exist because you give, pray and volunteer – thank you! MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Coordinator – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jun '20

Can’t hide JOY! 😃
Jun '20

Even though our club numbers have been small, God makes it evident “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” [Matthew 18:20] I can see the way He’s hand selected the kids and provided us ways to build trusting relationships despite the barriers we face during the pandemic. After many weeks of virtual club meetings, we all came together to meet in person at 71Five Campus – Phoenix Youth Center last week! We all wore masks, social distanced ourselves, and got creative with the games we played. Masks covered our smiles, but joy doesn’t need to be seen, it was felt abundantly as we spent time together. One middle schooler came for the first time to club, and after playing the last game of the evening, looked at me, his eyes smiling and said, “I’m really happy I came, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”
It is such a joy to get together but even when we couldn’t, God opened opportunities for us to reach young people in these communities in ways we couldn’t have foreseen! We are shown on a daily basis that God’s desire is to seek and save the lost.
Thank you for the important roles you play in bringing the hope of Jesus to the kids in these communities! To get more involved, please give us a call or check out our website, 71Five.org. MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Coordinator – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Mar '20

Light in the Darkness
Mar '20

The launch of our Phoenix/Talent Youth Center Club at 71Five Campus happened to fall on the exact same day that Oregon announced school closures due to COVID-19. During our time together at club, a student named Xander said, “I’m sad that school is canceled, I love school.” This time can be hard on kids. Hearing the concern around us, led to us sharing a message of hope for our first night of club. We shared that our God is sovereign, works out all things for good, knows and loves each of us, and promises to be with us through all things. I looked at Xander and told him that we are going to make the most of this time, that we will use this time off of school to gather together outdoors and have some fun. His face filled with a smile and before he left, he mentioned that he loved coming to 71Five Campus!
We always have the goal of bringing hope to young people. During this uncertain season, that mission is set even heavier on our hearts. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” [Romans 15:13] If you would like to hear more about ways that you can get involved in bringing hope to these kids, contact me or check out our ministries at www.71Five.org. MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Area Director – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB