Jul '22

She Belongs
Jul '22

New things can be difficult sometimes, especially for Savanah. Middle School is a tough time in general even if you aren’t the “new kid.” It’s easy to find yourself feeling like an outcast, which is what Savanah has felt at past youth groups she’s attended. Savanah has autism, which makes it especially difficult for her to feel like she belongs, and she was hesitant the first time she came to 71Five Campus – Eagle Point. It was hard at first to find the courage to attend, but when she did, she instantly loved being there and made several new friends. Savanah finally found somewhere she could be herself, make friends, and be included in activities with all the other kids. She says, “Going to 71Five is the highlight of my entire week,” and she can’t wait to come on Fridays.
Thank you for being a part of Savanah’s journey. I can’t wait to see what God continues to do in her life through 71Five.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '22

A Good Kid
Apr '22

There’s nothing better than a game of capture the flag… until someone gets hurt. We were all having fun until Jessie got annoyed at another kid. He reacted negatively by hitting him pretty hard in the gut. Jessie’s never been a violent kid although he tends to be slightly rougher than most 9-year-olds. Generally, with kids his age it’s easy for me to simply remind them to be nice, respond with kindness, and not act out of anger, but God put it on my heart to really get on his level and speak to him in a deeper way. When I spoke with him, he felt heard and not just “talked at.” He opened up about his home life and how he misses being a “good kid” and that he wishes he could have met his dad before he died. God used me through that conversation to give Jessie a new perspective, and to display the love of Jesus.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of youth through 71Five.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jan '22

Jan '22

As a youth leader, it is not uncommon for me to receive comments during the Bible lesson like, “How much longer?”, “Why do we have to do this?”, or “This is so boring.” One evening I was teaching through the Bible lesson and there were several kids making comments about how they didn’t want to sit through the teaching. As the kids were shouting out their comments, Lawrence, one of the middle schoolers, exclaimed “I just want to learn about Jesus!” If those words don’t make a youth pastor smile, I don’t think anything will. Lawrence was baptized last summer, and it is amazing to see him grow in his relationship with Jesus.
This is why we do what we do. This is why your ministry matters. So kids can learn about Jesus.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
Nov '21

best foot forward
Nov '21

Lily has been coming to 71Five Campus in Eagle Point since she was in Middle School. Over the past few weeks, she has gone above and beyond in helping out with things at club and has put her best foot forward while doing so. Lily has shown so much growth since I first met her several years ago. As a High Schooler, she recently became a 71Five Campus Student Leader. What a pleasure it is for me to help lead her in the next steps of growth and watch Lily develop where her desire to help out and set an example for other kids is given room to thrive.
It is so important to make sure the youth we minister to have opportunities for growth, and I am blessed to be able to offer every kid the privilege to grow in whatever way they can. Thank you for reaching teens like Lily, helping them grow in their gifts as they grow closer to Jesus!
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Aug '21

in front of everyone
Aug '21

It isn’t easy for teens to open up in front of a large group. Makayla is pretty shy and doesn’t normally open up about her past, but at 71Five HS Camp she got up in front of everyone and shared her story. “It’s so cool, because I didn’t even know who Jesus was when I literally cried out to Him, asking Him to save me.” What I love most about Makayla’s story, is that when she was little, she called out to Jesus in faith to give her a better life. At the time, she had no idea who Jesus was. She’d never been to church and no one had even mentioned His name. A week later God brought her out of the traumatic home and opened a door for her to live with her dad. Makayla decided to step up and share with others that she looks back and remembers that Jesus is always faithful and always answers prayers.
Thank you for providing 71Five Middle and High School Summer Camps and investing in these young lives.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '21

“on a roll”
May '21

A few weeks ago, there was a group of about five kids who were “on a roll” being very disrespectful. They were not listening to anything our volunteer’s or I had to say. It escalated to the point I finally had to ask them to leave. I don’t like to send kids away! They did came back toward the end of the night and asked to speak with me. I could tell they were willing to listen, and they accepted what I had to say, Before I even brought up apologizing, they offered to apologize. I used this incident as an opportunity to tell them I wanted them at 71Five Campus even though they had messed up, which they were quite surprised to hear.
So many kids today assume that if they mess up, they will be rejected and given up on. I am so blessed to give the youth in Eagle Point an example of God’s love and how He, through Jesus, excepts us and forgives us even though we don’t deserve it.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Feb '21

finding their way
Feb '21

Jacob is an energetic, 15-year-old freshman who’s been coming to 71Five Campus in Eagle Point for several years now. He enjoys coming 71Five and is always excited to do whatever he can to help. A couple of weeks ago he said, “I originally came here because my little sister told me not to follow her, so I did… just to annoy her.” It’s funny how much he loves being at 71Five Campus when it all started with annoying his sister. Jacob is now on his way to becoming a Student Leader. It is amazing to see the growth and increased maturity in him, and I am excited to see him grow even more in the days to come.
I pray more and more kids like Jacob will find their way to 71Five so they can grow and learn about Jesus and the hope that we can have through Him.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Dec '20

Dec '20

Titan is a regular High Schooler at 71Five Campus in Eagle Point except he stays outside during the games and takes off before the talk. He also comes to the Middle School club instead of High School club. He explained that Friday is the only day he can come, and I think it’s better than not coming at all. So, I told him as a high schooler he needs to help clean up afterward and be a good example for the younger kids. He responded respectfully, “Yes sir, I understand”. Titan is pretty fitting for his name, and that’s all I had seen until this point; the tall, tough Titan. But at that moment I saw a respectful teen who wanted to be at club. A few weeks later he stayed for most of the evening and he helped clean up… even after all his friends left. I thanked him for helping and saw a glimmer of hope as a small part of the wall around his heart crumbled away.
I’m so blessed to be a tool in God’s hands to help bring youth like Titan closer to His love and eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. Thank you for all you do in supporting this ministry, bringing Titan and so many other kids closer to God. PETER KUHL 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point (541) 779-3275 peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Sep '20

trusting relationships 👬
Sep '20

Walter Stacey is a high schooler who has attended 71Five Campus in Eagle Point for many years. He is very outgoing, friendly to everyone, and is proud to have the self-given title of “Campus Mascot.” One evening I got a call from Walter’s coworker saying, ‘“Please come right away. Walter is having a major anxiety attack and he said he needed you.” I dropped what I was doing and drove to his work which was thankfully only 5 minutes away. When I got there, I realized just how severe Walter’s anxiety attack was. He was lying on the bathroom floor and was shaking and sweating. His voice was weak as he asked me to help him up and to my car. After he calmed down and could speak, I asked him if he wanted to talk about what was going on, but he couldn’t. He thanked me a lot for being there and it really blessed me to know he trusted me enough to contact me knowing I would help him.
It’s times like these that show how much these kids need mentors in their lives. Adults who care, who kids know they can trust. Because of you, I was able to go be with Walter and build a trusting relationship that brings him one step closer to hope. Thank you! PETER KUHL 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point (541) 779-3275 peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jun '20

truly amazing
Jun '20

The season of quarantine, staying at home, and not interacting with loved ones has been tough on many, including the youth in Eagle Point. One Tuesday morning as I was getting ready to head to 71Five, I received a call from a number I didn’t recognize. I answered to the unsteady voice of a young girl who was struggling. She said she knew me through 71Five Campus in Eagle Point but for reasons I still do not know, decided to keep her identity to herself. I cannot disclose much about the conversation but I can tell you the eternal effect it would have on this girl’s life. Right away I could tell she was in need of some loving guidance and we ended up texting all throughout the day about Jesus and who He is. How He’s given life to so many, including myself and how He could give her the same life, joy, and love. By the end of the conversation she said she wanted to have what I had. She said she wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ who purifies her and washes her white as snow. She asked me to help her ask God to come into her life and save her and at that moment I celebrated because I knew I had a new sister in Christ.
I still don’t know who this young girl is but it doesn’t matter, God does. It’s truly amazing the God of the universe knows each of us by name, and makes it possible to find joy when the world offers none. This high school girl will now live forever in the Spirit and find true joy in Christ’s love, even through the hard times life brings. PETER KUHL 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point (541) 779-3275 peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB