A Little Grace Is Needed

Elementary boys at 71Five City like to play hard and sometimes their attitudes are an issue. When disputes happen during our games, every boy turns into both a referee and a lawyer! Josh is no exemption, but today was different. He really struggled with his temper. When a kid continues to be disruptive during club, I make it a point to talk with their parents. When Josh’s mom came to pick him up, based on both her appearance and the small talk we had, I quickly realized it wasn’t just Josh having a bad day. Quite possibly behind a kid having a difficult day there may be a tremendously challenging situation at home. I decided to give Josh a little grace and offered to pray for them during the week.
Many of the kids that arrive at 71Five are coming from families that are broken and dealing with cycles of poverty and addiction. As we walk with these kids, we get to extend grace to them like Jesus does to us. Thank you for extending light and grace into dark and hard situations!
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


A Sudden Change . . .

Tim regularly attends clubs at 71Five City but he’s shown no interest in the teaching or discussions… until recently. All of a sudden he’s had an openness to the gospel! Each week we set aside time to talk about Jesus – the One who trades places with us, the One who gives us His perfect life in place of our sinful one. This is how we are truly transformed and given a brand new start in life! I noticed that he was not just asking questions and listening during our teaching time but I also saw changes in his behavior during clubs. It’s encouraging to see kids making real life decisions to believe in Jesus and follow Him. It’s absolutely awesome when you see these young people’s hearts change – it’s such joy to see! Tim ended up asking me to baptize him this past week!
Thank you for partnering with us as we are putting the seeds in these kid’s hearts. You never know when it will land on good soil! My wife’s whole family got saved when her grandpa asked Jesus into his heart as a young boy. He went to church by himself and ended up leading his parents and siblings to Christ. Great things can happen and entire families’ destinies can be changed when even one child’s heart is transformed by the gospel!
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


All Circumstances

Recently I had a chance to talk to some young people at 71Five about the claims of Christ. The discussion was a no holds barred Q&A session lasting about an hour and half. The questions came primarily from an atheist point of view and it was incredible to hear what these kids are dealing with! Later, I connected with the same young people and was surprised when a young girl Sarah said frankly “Oh Shane, I believe in good and evil. I’ve seen some real evil before!” We had a great conversation where she told me about some of her experiences with darkness and the occult. I shared with her about how Jesus can set her free from all darkness regardless of past ties. Sarah said she wanted to follow this path and wanted to start reading her Bible!
It’s wonderful to share Christ with kids who have “intellectual“ questions as well as with kids who are looking to be set free from darkness and the occult. Thank you for bringing this great Hope into all circumstances and situations, no matter where our kids find themselves.
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


unshakable confidence

A recent casual conversation at 71Five City, quickly turned into a great discussion on how the Gospel gives us an unshakable confidence; centered in a person’s identity in Christ. The Gospel removes the temptation of looking at your performance as your self-worth or your identity. The gospel reveals the unnecessary soul crushing burden that our society puts on people to create self-confidence based on looks or profession. Mary excitedly said, “We need to talk more about this during our Club discussions!” Mary was very interested in discussing how the Gospel gives us great personal freedom and confidence not to be dependent on social media ‘likes’ or how awesome you are, or how “hot” you are. We can have unshakable confidence that the Gospel is the A to Z not just the ABC’s of Christianity. It addresses every issue of the heart and mind, even in these perplexing times.
You help reach kids like Mary with this life-changing Gospel! These changes are great. They are deep. They are forever changes on how young people look at themselves in the mirror… Because of your life-giving support. Thank you for all you do!
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Teach them well

At 71Five City, amid the fun, games and meals, we strive to faithfully teach and discuss the gospel with our kids. As it says in the Bible, “…on the way and as we do life together. Teach them well to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up.” [Deuteronomy 11:19]
During a recent middle school club we talked about the human condition. I asked, “Are people basically good, or do they need to be saved like the Bible says?” Faith mentioned our self-centered human nature without God saying, “People will do whatever they want to… Whenever they want to!” Mae shared, “The human heart always wants more and more.” These two girls showed such depth of insight about humans and our desperate need to be saved by God. I was so encouraged to hear these answers because it feels like we are in a constant battle to break through distractions and get to these types of conversations. 
You are the reason we’re able to create these times to teach our youth! Thank you for battling together, standing shoulder to shoulder in this most important struggle for our kids!
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Hope for Gen Z

Billy, who faithfully attends our high school club, told me how he has been reading the book of Colossians and was excited about what he’s learning. He mentioned he wanted our high school club to read and talk about it during our discussion time. He said, “I like how it shows a new way of life… I also like that it shows that the family of God is multiethnic.” For Billy to see how relevant and life changing the book of Colossians can be, is awesome.
To see our youth read and understand the Bible for themselves is super cool! I recently read a study that said 4% of Gen Z has a biblical worldview and is the least Christian generation in US history. The study also said they’re the loneliest generation in history, but amazingly are willing to trust adults who take the time to get to know them. Because of your support we can do this.
Thank you so much for bringing the only true hope in the world to the kids of this generation!
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


The Unexpected

It was a rough night, the kids seemed tired and were really distracted. Dinner and games went well enough but during our Bible study and discussion time, it just didn’t spark much interest or conversation like it typically does. After wrapping up, I decided to play some card games as parents would start trickling in to pick up the kids. As the night wound down, I found myself in a completely unexpected conversation with Jason. He began to open up about his current struggle in weighing the cost of choosing the life of Christ vs. his addictions. What an amazing opportunity I was able to have in sharing how God’s Spirit can transform and empower us from the inside out!
Through your support of Youth 71Five Ministries, we are reaching these kids even in the in-between moments building their trust and providing places for them to be vulnerable. Thank you for playing a vital part in our relational ministry!
SHANE SKIRVIN,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


deeper matters

The young people in our community face many challenges such as being socially isolated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the constant bombardment of social media vying for their attention. At 71Five City, I’m always looking to push past these barriers, to drive our discussions to a deeper level, challenge assumptions, look at worldview, and help the youth realize… ideas have real life consequences. Recently our efforts have paid off with a great and lively conversation about some of the hot button issues kids are wrestling with and genuinely care deeply about. Chloe expressed to us, “I can’t really say what I think about this because they would cancel me.”
It’s an awesome opportunity and great responsibility to reach these kids and share the hope of the Gospel. At 71Five, we love piercing through the superficial and creating lasting relationships with the youth. Thank you so much for your vital effort to reach and affect these young kids!
Shane Skirvin,  71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator  
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Jaw Dropping Experience . . .

It was a chapel meeting with local kids when this tough looking young man had heard enough, got up in the middle of group and walked out. This was the first time that had happened since my wife and I began leading the Bible-based discussions. I prayed and hoped he would come back next time but had no expectation since he seemed so hardened to hope and uninterested in our efforts to reach him. To my astonishment, he did come to the next meeting and was engaged in group discussion, asking really good questions! As we shared the Gospel, he said he always thought God weighed the good deeds over the bad in deciding whether you made it into heaven. It was such a great opportunity to share the beauty and sacrifice of Jesus! So, we simply explained what the cross means and his jaw visibly dropped in surprise!
My name is Shane Skirvin, and I’m excited to be the new 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator. ! love being a part of what you’re accomplishing through 71Five; to bring the Gospel to the inner-city and build relationships with the marginalized youth in hopes they encounter Jesus. SHANE SKIRVIN   71Five City Coordinator   (541) 779-3275   shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
