Posted on Feb 19, 2025 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0

Maybe you know what it’s like growing up with relational poverty… wanting safe, close, caring, supportive relationships. You aren’t alone in your desire for these types of connections. We currently have 7 young people looking for mentorship (but don’t let that word scare you). Blake is an 8-year-old boy living in Grants Pass. He’s full of enthusiasm, loves sports, likes to rap & beatbox, and hopes to become an Oregon Duck. But something is missing, Blake’s dad is not a part of their lives. Blake spends most of his days with his mom, bored, and wanting someone to hang out with.
That’s where you come in. You can be the one to make these connections with Blake. With as little as 4 flexible self-scheduled hrs./month you would be amazed at the life change that happens. Your presence will give Blake hope of opportunities he wouldn’t otherwise enjoy. Will you step in and become a mentor today?
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Nov 25, 2024 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0

Cameron is in High School, he and his younger brother go to 71Five. Months ago, they heard finding a mentor was an option. We have been looking ever since. It’s hard to find men like you willing to form 1:1 relationships. These boys have a difficult home life. They are looking for mentors who can bring fun and activity to their lives. Cameron wants to mature and is interested in growing in the mental, physical, social, & spiritual areas of life. When I asked his younger brother “What are you most thankful for right now?” he replied, “The time I get at 71Five.” I have seen the power of 1:1 relationship as the hope of God transforms lives.
With as little as 4 hours per month you could change these young men’s lives not just for fun and for now but for eternity. Thank you for praying, giving, and committing your time to 71Five Mentors. How is God calling you to participate in 71Five Mentors? Contact me today for more information.
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Aug 26, 2024 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0

Imagine you enter a room, immediately your heartbeat intensifies and your mind races. Afraid to speak, you sit alone. You try not to make eye contact, listening to music, looking at your phone, and keeping your distance. You’re there because you know you need to make some friends and want trustworthy adults in your life. Your anxiety is crippling but you attempt to settle into the new space with new people. Sophia felt this when she first started coming to 71Five. After a few weeks she decided to find a 71Five Mentor to help her overcome her anxiety and just have a friend to talk to.
Now, (thanks to your prayers and financial gifts) … Sophia goes to club and summer camp and because of her mentor’s willingness to give time, Sophia’s life has changed for the better in just 6 months! She feels more confident, makes friends more easily, has grown in her relationship with God, and has support as she walks through life.
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 20, 2024 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0

I was talking with a young person who began a mentorship roughly 2 months ago and I asked them a question. I said, “Since having a mentor, how has the way you think about your life or yourself improved?” Their answer was everything. In an instant, I got a glimpse of God transforming this young person’s life. One relationship for a few hours each month over a short period of time changed everything. It’s what God does through you praying, you giving to make the relationship possible, and you making time to participate in sharing God’s story of hope in your life.
This young person said, “Before, I saw us as slaves to God with no relationship just living life with nothing really to live for, but now I see that I do have something to live for and it’s God!” Thank you for your participation in this young person’s story.
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Feb 9, 2024 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0

We’ve all experience difficult times in life. Having a mentor to walk alongside you gives you hope. You can be the one who gives God’s hope to a young person today. Hunter is a young man who recently contacted 71Five Mentors. When explaining why he wants a mentor he said, “I have nothing to be thankful for with the way my life is right now.” He also shared he doesn’t like himself much. Hunter is struggling to find people he trusts to share these thoughts. He’s been trying to push back thoughts of suicide and knows having a mentor will help him. Hunter wants to change the way he thinks, and to find someone he can trust and have fun with.
As you participate in sharing the hope of God by becoming a mentor, praying for the ministry, or committing to a monthly or one-time financial donation, you are making it possible to change the lives of young people like Hunter.
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Nov 7, 2023 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0

There are 1000’s of young people in our community who are disconnected, discouraged, and directionless. They need someone to offer them time to connect, encourage, & guide them. Emma is just one of these young people. She reached out to 71Five Mentors because she wanted a one-to-one trusting relationship. So many young people like her are looking for this same thing. Emma is 15 years old and wants someone who will bring encouragement and fun into her life. She’s looking for someone she can learn from, find an example in, someone to help her set new goals & learn to keep boundaries. She’s interested in learning new things and exploring opportunities for her personal growth in the mental, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of her life through time spent talking and doing things together after school.
Like Emma, we have more young people struggling to find a safe adult to turn to for hope. With as little as 4 flexible hours per month you can make a life changing impact. Mentoring leads to God’s transforming hope one relationship at a time.
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB