Oct '23

Bella from Georgia Brought the House Down!
Oct '23

Bella is a young girl who came to us from Georgia. She was at the lowest point in her life. She had no friends, she had dropped out of high school, and she felt hopeless. She showed up to 71Five VoTech in a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over her head. She hardly spoke to us, but she did say that she was interested in welding. Bella’s life changed. Within a few short classes Bella would be the first student to arrive. She no longer wore her hoodie over her head, she had a bright smile, and she became an excellent welder. Bella re-enrolled into high school at the nudging of the 71Five VoTech staff. In her own words, Bella said, “Since coming to VoTech, I gained a skill in the trades, friends, and a family.” Bella went on to design and weld window guards for the Salvation Army. She graduated from high school a year early and is now waiting to turn 18 to enroll in the Erickson Aviation Apprenticeship Program! Just this month Bella spoke at Southern Oregon University to a group of women about what 71Five VoTech means to her. She brought the house down. We are so proud of this young lady and the bright future that is in store for her.
Thank you for making life changing possibilities for all the young people like Bella.
TERESA HUTLEY, 71Five VoTech Case Manager – Medford
541.282.4689 | theresahutley@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB