Mar '19

Can You Explain Forgiveness?
Mar '19

At 71Five City, there’s a single dad who has brought his daughters for about 3 years. A nice guy, hard worker and a good dad. I can see in his eyes he’s exhausted by Friday night yet he often stays to helps clean up. A few weeks ago he took me aside and said, “I need to speak to you”. As we sat at the table he leaned in and yelled: “Explain forgiveness? There’s so much evil in this world. How can God forgive evil people?” I shared with him that God’s grace is available to anyone that would believe. God sent His son, Jesus who died for us and rose again so anyone who wanted His free gift of freedom and eternal life can have it. Even people who had done evil things. By the end of our time, this dad was amazed by the truth of the Gospel. He said he’d never looked at God’s love that way. Then he asked if we could meet again because he wants to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. And we will.
Each Friday, here at 71Five City, I present the Gospel to kids in some creative way, but I know the parents are also listening. In 1 Peter 3:15 it says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
Thank you, my friends, for creating a safe place for kids… and parents, to hear the message of Hope that’s within you and me. – LARRY LICATO, 71Five City Director larry@71Five.org