Posted on Jul 1, 2024 by Troy Ellis in Life Change Story | 0
Eli and David are two unlikely youth who have bonded at Station 71Five. Eli is two years younger than David who just recently graduated into Middle School. David was ecstatic to get his prize for bringing someone new to 71Five. This was Eli’s first experience… He jumped right into the mix and sprinted around the building to help set up our laser tag arena. As I was checking on everything for the second time, I heard David yell, “My mom said yes!” David was affirming that a sleepover was at hand. Eli usually has trouble fitting in, so I knew this meant the world to him.
Thank you for every way a disciple is made in West Medford through Youth 71Five. From shy kids like Eli to bloomers like David. We’ve done more for them together with your faithful show of giving.
TROY ELLIS, 71Five City Coordinator – West Medford
541.538.0207 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jun 19, 2024 by Chris Willis in Life Change Story | 0
Ever felt like you hit rock bottom or knew someone who did? Imagine a young person at that point, but also behind bars. How would you want someone to step in and help? That’s where 71Five Justice and my role comes into the picture. Just over a year ago I met a young man who was locked up in Juvenile Detention for a string of bad choices. As I got to know him and build that trusting relationship, I found out that he had lost his dad and Grandfather all within a years’ time. As a 16-year-old, I couldn’t imagine losing these male figures. As we began to meet in detention, he took a bible and began to read it, not only was he sharing scripture with other inmates, but he was also sharing with his mom and grandmother. He was eventually released and started coming 71Five events and church.
With sheer grit and a refusal to give up, he turned his life around, nailed his classes, and walked across the graduation stage, proving to everyone that he was more than his mistakes. It’s amazing to see the longevity of our work as missionaries to this community. Thank you for your prayers and partnership with 71Five.
CHRIS WILLIS, 71Five Justice Coordinator – Grants Pass
(541) 941-3488 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jun 17, 2024 by Sara Vassallo in Life Change Story | 0
Lexi and Kayla are sisters who have been attending the 71Five Campus in Central Point for some time. They are very shy and often have trouble making friends. Each week they are glued to me from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave, and it has been my prayer that they would be able to connect with some of the other girls in their age group. One night we had pancakes for dinner… While all the other kids were playing outside, the younger girls started to gather around as I finished the pancakes. They began decorating their pancakes and started launching whipped cream from their hands to their mouths. They giggled and played together for the rest of the evening. At the end of the night, after the other girls had left, the sisters ran up to me and one yelled “Sara…. We made friends!” They were so proud that after months of attending club they were able to make a friend.
It is such a blessing to experience these big moments in the lives of our youth. Because of your support, we get to have an environment that fosters friendship. Thank you for supporting the youth in our community so they too can make a friend.
SARA NIELSEN, 71Five Campus Coordinator – Central Point
(541) 816-6761 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jun 10, 2024 by Aaron Faust in Life Change Story | 0
Jake came to 71Five VoTech in Grant Pass, our pre-apprenticeship trade school, with a strong desire to gain the skills needed to further his career in the trades. He enrolled in our welding course, determined to make the most of the opportunity. As days turned into weeks, Jake’s skills and abilities grew remarkably. His confidence soared alongside his competence, and he began to see a hopeful future ahead. The supportive environment and hands-on training at 71Five VoTech played a crucial role in his development. Upon graduation, Jake’s hard work paid off when he received a job offer in construction and small remodeling work. This position not only validated his efforts but also provided a solid foundation for his career. Jake said, “The skills I learned at 71Five VoTech provided me with the ability to step out in faith to apply for a better job.”
Witnessing Jake’s transformation from a hopeful student to a skilled tradesman was incredibly rewarding. 71Five VoTech didn’t just teach him welding; you are helping him build a brighter, more confident future.
AARON FAUST, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Grants Pass
541.761.5143 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Jun 3, 2024 by Shane Skirvin in Life Change Story | 0
I recently talked with a young man about God because of you and your generous giving! We were able to set aside time, place, and even meals so that we could gather as a group with some young people and talk about not just becoming a believer in God (theism) but a disciple of Jesus Christ (a follower and believer in Christ). This young man had been dealing with a lot of trauma and life’s difficulties and at first, was not sure if Christians would even like him. But he was open to the message of becoming a new person in Christ—he seemed far from God. Of course, we know no one is far from God now because of Christ (Eph.2:13). We could share this great news with this young person so that he could become born again and join the Church of God, because of people like you we can have these God-appointed conversations!
I am both thankful and excited to be part of God’s outreach to people with the hope of the Gospel, is there anything more important? Thank you so much for being a co-laborer in this work! (Rom. 16:3).
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five Campus Coordinator – North Medford
(541) 646-1475 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 28, 2024 by Beau Jeska in Life Change Story | 0
I was going into the juvenile detention center for the first time and wanted to see God move in these kids’ lives and mine. My friend Beau asked me to pray about becoming a volunteer, but I wanted to know if it was something the Lord was calling me to do. I’ve been saved for 25 years and in that time, I have led 3 people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Going into the detention center for group I asked God to have everyone be saved in there that first night, but at least 3 to match my 25 years, and let me know I’m called to serve in this place.
Beau asked me to share my testimony with everyone and afterward, I asked if anyone wanted to be saved. 3 young people stepped forward and the rest were already saved so God fulfilled all my prayers at once. Your partnership with this ministry makes a difference in people’s lives, thank you. – 71Five Justice Volunteer
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Director
541.601.9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 20, 2024 by Wendy Collins in Life Change Story | 0
I was talking with a young person who began a mentorship roughly 2 months ago and I asked them a question. I said, “Since having a mentor, how has the way you think about your life or yourself improved?” Their answer was everything. In an instant, I got a glimpse of God transforming this young person’s life. One relationship for a few hours each month over a short period of time changed everything. It’s what God does through you praying, you giving to make the relationship possible, and you making time to participate in sharing God’s story of hope in your life.
This young person said, “Before, I saw us as slaves to God with no relationship just living life with nothing really to live for, but now I see that I do have something to live for and it’s God!” Thank you for your participation in this young person’s story.
WENDY COLLINS, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
541.441.2495 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 13, 2024 by Bud Amundsen in Life Change Story | 0
Can you imagine being 21 years old trying to figure out the adult world and not able to read or write? We are working with a young man in this situation right now. He has a learning disability but he’s smart. Another young man has genius-level intelligence but is trapped in severe Attention Deficit Disorder. These guys have no opportunity to take care of themselves and be successful outside of crime. They’ve been able to slip through the system but there’s no longer a positive path forward. This is where 71Five is built to step in. These young men and others are being taught by trusted staff and volunteers at a pace or in a method they can handle. When they first come, they call themselves stupid or worthless but in time we see them learn, we see their confidence grow, and we see smiles and pride in their eyes.
Make no mistake, we know the greatest good we can do is to introduce struggling kids to the hope found in Jesus, but there’s so much more ‘good’ that happens in the lives of kids who connect with 71Five. Thank you! You provide the good… and the greatest good!!
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
541.301.0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on May 6, 2024 by Larry Licato in Life Change Story | 0
Jayden graduated from our 71Five VoTech training program about a month ago. I knew Jayden for a little over a year before he came to Votech and I have only heard him say about 10 words since I’ve known him. To say the least, he was a shy kid as he entered VoTech. Like many of our students, he was unsure about what he wanted to do with his life. Jayden lacked direction and purpose. However, while taking our training classes, he has grown tremendously in his technical and personal skills. He continues to come to our classes, even after graduating, to learn more and is even helping us lead the other students during our project times. Through God’s grace, instructor’s encouragement, and generous donors like you, Jayden has found a new confidence in himself and has learned how to step out of his comfort zone.
Thank you for being an important part of Jayden’s journey of growth through your prayers, time, and financial support.
LARRY LICATO, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Medford
541.890.1819 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Posted on Apr 30, 2024 by Peter Kuhl in Life Change Story | 0
Have you ever lied about something and had to come clean? It’s hard… not only to own up to your actions, but to admit your actions to your boss, teacher, or another leader in your life. Liam, a 13 year-old student, had to own up to something that he was encouraged to lie about by his friends. He had only been coming to 71Five Campus in Eagle Point for a couple of weeks, and one Friday at the beginning of the night Liam came up to me and said, “I love 71Five Campus a lot, and I love coming here, but before the night starts I need to tell you that I lied about something.” He proceeded to tell me the story, and he owned up to his actions. I didn’t previously know about it, nor did anyone else confront him about it. He made the decision to talk to me all on his own, and displayed maturity beyond his years. I thank God that 71Five is a place that, even in a short amount of time, encourages young people to pursue the right thing, even when it’s hard.
Thank you for being a part of 71Five Campus in Eagle Point, and providing a safe space for people like Liam to get closer to Jesus.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point
541.630.0648 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB