Mar '20

Current Response to COVID-19 Virus…
Mar '20

As a part of the 71Five Community, I wanted to let you know what precautions we are taking in our work with young people regarding the COVID-19 Virus. Be assured we are taking the safety of our kids seriously, continually monitoring current information and striving for an appropriate response to the situation. The situation is still very fluid but here are the internal measures we are currently taking.
- We will adhere to the mandates of state and local government and follow the precautions of the schools and agencies we work with in their response to the threat.
- With the closure of schools, we are cancelling indoor ministry activities as of March 14th. We will work to provide for the needs of young people by offering activities where we can meet outdoors.
- We will cancel or postpone trips that use our vans for the month of March. We will reassess this on Wednesday April 1st.
- No one with cold and flu symptoms will be admitted to ministry events including both youth and staff (paid or volunteer).
- Extra cleaning— Staff will take the time for extra cleaning and disinfect hard surfaces in their ministry space. (e.g.- door handles, counters, bathroom surfaces, pool sticks, controllers and computer keyboards.)
- We will remind youth to wash or sanitize hands frequently and not share food or drinks.
- We will make sure to communicate to youth and volunteer staff to stay home if they feel at risk.
Remember, we can trust God in these circumstances which leads us to hope, an eternal and indestructible hope. Please join me in praying for the Lord to remove this threat and bring healing and comfort to those affected.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you. [Psalms 33:22] BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275 bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB