Distant & Closed Off to God…

There’s a young man I got the chance to walk with over the last eight months he was placed in a residential program here in Grants Pass. When we first met, he didn’t want much to do with anything spiritual. He was distant when we talked about God, pretty closed off. But we kept showing up. We rode bikes, did Bible studies, talked about real life, and eventually, he started coming to clubs and youth group. Week by week, I saw something begin to shift. He didn’t say a lot, but his eyes started to light up a bit more. He started asking questions. And then there was one night I’ll never forget: his last youth service before leaving. He was sitting in the second row during worship, and I looked over and saw him with his hands lifted high. It hit me hard. This young man who once wanted nothing to do with God… was reaching out to Him. On his last night in Grants Pass, my wife and I had the privilege of celebrating with him. We got to share some time together, give him a few gifts, and speak encouragement over his next season. It was a pleasant and meaningful moment one we won’t forget. Now he’s in Eastern Oregon in a new housing program. I don’t know if we’ll cross paths again, but I’m praying for him. I believe that the seeds planted here will continue to grow.

Our Executive Director, Bud once said, “Even when we lose touch with a kid, God never does.” And that’s what I’m holding onto. Thank you for helping make these relationships possible. Because of your partnership, my wife and I and our whole team get to step into moments like these and point kids toward hope.

CHRIS WILLIS,  71Five City Coordinator – Grants Pass

541.941.3488 | chris@71Five.org

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
