Jan '21

Given Help
Jan '21

I first met Jay when she was in 5th grade coming to the Phoenix Good News Club that meets at our 71Five Campus – Phoenix Youth Center. Through learning about Jesus at Good News Club over the years, she put her faith in Christ. Like so many students, this past summer and current school year haven’t been easy on Jay. She has asthma, and it’s bad, so she was stuck inside her trailer from March thru August due to the fear of contracting COVID-19. We would call often, since she was struggling with deep depression. Then in September the fires roared through our communities and Jay’s trailer became unlivable due to smoke damage. At the same time, Jay was starting her first year of middle school virtually. She and her family were thankfully given help and had a temporary living situation in a good hotel and now have a new place to live.
2020 was a hard year for many. We work with kids like Jay who have a heavy load and are in need of hope and light in their world. Jay began coming to 71Five Campus in September and every week she gets to learn more about Jesus and she always has the biggest smile on her face. We are incredibly grateful to build trusting relationships with young people and come alongside them through their highs and their lows. You give us this opportunity. Thank you!
MELANIE CIENFUEGOS, 71Five Campus – Phoenix Talent Coordinator
(541) 671-4128 | melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB