Jun '19

go where God leads you
Jun '19

Every year I take kids to Middle School Camp… And this year I also brought a high school boy named Jaiden to work in the kitchen. Jaiden’s been to camp and in my cabin the last 4 years and a week with Rosy in the kitchen changed everything. Rosy’s a woman who obeyed God’s calling to cook food for massive amounts of kids at camps. Rosy’s not particularly young, an expert on teens, or anything like that. Rosy oozes Jesus and wants to use her talents. You can’t get near Rosy without hearing about Jesus and her love for him. Rosy has pain in her body as she works harder than anyone else at camp but she doesn’t let that stop her. It’s abundantly clear Rosy loves kids. Kids knew they were well loved because when Rosy went places, kids cheered for her and chanted “Rosy, Rosy, Rosy!” While Jaiden spent the week working like a slave earning a new nickname “Dish Boy” he saw it clearly. Despite only being able to go to one chapel due to being in the kitchen, Jaiden, along with many other kids, accepted Christ. I really don’t think it was the message that led Jaiden to Christ—I think it was Rosy—he saw Jesus in Rosy. You see, last year a young girl had a very similar experience. When kids spend time with Rosy, kids get to know Jesus.
At Youth 71 Five Ministries kids come to know Jesus because of caring adults. It doesn’t take a youth ministry degree, being young, or even to have raised 12 teenagers like Rosy has… Just a willingness to go where God leads and let kids see Jesus in you. Are you willing to show them Jesus? Give us a call at (541) 779-3275 or visit our website for more information: www.71Five.org. TIM HARDY 71Five Campus Area Director – North Medford (541) 779-3275 tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb