May '22

“Hard isn’t bad…”
May '22

My pastor frequently says, “Hard isn’t bad.” So often we see the opposite of this attitude in our culture, especially among young people. I see it at 71Five VoTech in a student with a welding or wood project, or fixing something on a vehicle. Giving up or quitting because something becomes difficult is an ever-increasing attitude. Perseverance seems to be replaced by ‘what can you do for me’ or ‘what’s the least amount of effort I can give.’ This reminds me of the encouraging word from the Apostle Paul when he said, “And let us not grow weary in doing good…” At 71Five VoTech – Grants Pass we are doing a good thing, at times it can be hard and makes us weary. Time seems to be a commodity that’s hard to give. However, relationally, time is precisely what is needed to make an impact on an individual’s life. Sometimes we may not see drastic change in a student’s life, but if we can change a person’s perspective and work ethic, we might begin to change their life trajectory. Paul finishes his thought by saying, “…for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Thank you for helping students navigate through the “hard” so they can be successful in life and a career.
JEFF MORITZ, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Grants Pass
(541) 450-7108 | jeffmoritz@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB