Jul '22

Hit & Miss
Jul '22

At 71Five VoTech – Medford we’re usually not training during this time of the year. However, we were asked to do one more 6-week class before summer break. At first this seemed like quite a stretch after a long school year. Additionally, this limits our time to prepare for the next school year. An announcement was sent out to test the interest. To our surprise we had a very large turnout for this summer session. Most of the students arrive 15-20 minutes early for each class and some stay and hang out way beyond the family style dinner we serve after class. During our group discussions at dinner, we’ve had students chatting between themselves about how going through drug rehabilitation really helped them. One of our students told us the other night, “I really need to be in 71Five VoTech right now.” Another student will be headed to college soon after graduating this session. He’s trying to prepare for independent living. One of our sessions is an introduction to the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system, which he’s using to work through this process.
Sometimes we’re asked to trust God by doing what doesn’t make sense. What we thought would be hit and miss attendance has turned into a life changing six weeks for both the students and the instructors. Thank you for making these life changing encounters possible.
JEFF KEENER, 71Five VoTech Assistant Coordinator – Medford
(541) 890-8960 | jeffkeener@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB