Jan '23

If not here, then where?
Jan '23

Here at Youth 71Five Ministries our mission is all about seeing lives changed. At 71Five VoTech we only have the students for 12 weeks and then they graduate. Last night the doorbell rang and there was a young man and his family standing outside. “Sam will be graduating from your program in a few days.” they said, “But he loves VoTech and doesn’t want to leave! He hasn’t done well in school and being here is the best thing that’s happened to him.” Sam is one of our shining stars. So I suggested he join our next class, he asked, “How can I do that.” “You could be a student leader and assist me with teaching the new student’s.” You should have seen the smile on his face. Sam’s eyes lit up as he said, “I would rather be here than anywhere else.” His family nodded in agreement. To see a young man who struggled with school and life now be an excited student leader at 71Five VoTech is amazing. Not only can he attend class again but has found a purpose.
Because of your love and care for these young people, they have a place ‘here’ rather than out there somewhere. You provided a place of safety, encouragement, relationships, training and now, serving others… not to mention that we get to share the love of Jesus with him for another twelve weeks. Now that’s a life changed. Thank you!
LARRY LICATO, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Medford
(541) 890-1819 | larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB