Oct '20

“I’ll go!”
Oct '20

We are in a time where there are many needs in our community. Recent fires have left entire families and communities displaced. COVID-19 has caused families to lose their sources of income and also restricted our children to their homes for schooling. Basic things like a safe place to sleep and eating a good meal were taken for granted, but now are real concerns for many people. We are responding to help children and their families. When I say “we” I’m not just referring to myself and our 71Five adult volunteers. I’m also talking about the kids who are part of 71Five City in West Medford. As we’re delivering lunches to kids who are at home for schooling they are right there with us sharing hope with the families we serve. Cruz, Jordan, Anela and Gigi are some of the kids from our Kids Club in West Medford who have stepped up on many occasions to serve our community. They were at the Expo helping feed families who lost everything. They go out with adults to deliver lunches to other kids whose parents don’t have cars or can’t leave their kids at home alone.
What a blessing to see these kids respond in this way. When presented with an opportunity to help others, their response is, “I’ll go!” What an honor it is to be working with this next generation of servant leaders. Thank you for providing for this opportunity to reach so many in our community faithfully. KEN RUIZ 71Five City Coordinator (541) 779-3275 ken@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB