“I’m proud of you.”
Last week at 71Five Parents we were reading Isaiah 43:4 where God says to his people: “You are precious and honored in my sight and I love you.” I asked the teen parents: “Has anyone ever told you that they were “proud of you?” Not one in the group had ever heard the words: “I am proud of you.” Would you agree that kids need to be seen for who they are, that they should be loved and honored? Most teen parents lacked a caring adult to invest time, guidance, protection or support when they needed it. Teen parents may be walking into parenthood themselves with a deficit of their basic needs met.
BREANNA STOUTENBURGH, 71Five Parents Coordinator
541.941-7697 | breanna@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB