May '24

Imagine you couldn’t read or write at 21 . . .
May '24

Can you imagine being 21 years old trying to figure out the adult world and not able to read or write? We are working with a young man in this situation right now. He has a learning disability but he’s smart. Another young man has genius-level intelligence but is trapped in severe Attention Deficit Disorder. These guys have no opportunity to take care of themselves and be successful outside of crime. They’ve been able to slip through the system but there’s no longer a positive path forward. This is where 71Five is built to step in. These young men and others are being taught by trusted staff and volunteers at a pace or in a method they can handle. When they first come, they call themselves stupid or worthless but in time we see them learn, we see their confidence grow, and we see smiles and pride in their eyes.
Make no mistake, we know the greatest good we can do is to introduce struggling kids to the hope found in Jesus, but there’s so much more ‘good’ that happens in the lives of kids who connect with 71Five. Thank you! You provide the good… and the greatest good!!
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
541.301.0897 | bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB