Aug '19

Immeasurable Joy!
Aug '19

I had just placed an order, handed the menus back to our waiter and settled in for some quiet conversation with my best friend. . . Across the table was my wife and we were in the Mexican restaurant just down from our home. Almost like a scene from a movie, a head suddenly popped out from the side of the booth behind Jan and the 20-something young lady asked; “Are you Matt Sweeney? My name is Cheryl and I was in juvenile detention some years ago.” Jan has serve with me in the detention center and we both immediately responded, “Wow! Yes, I do remember you.” Cheryl was having dinner with her husband and their 2-year-old son. Rubbing her swelling tummy, she declared; “This is our daughter. She’ll be born in November.” It had been a few years since we last crossed paths and it was a great blessing to see Cheryl along with her growing family. She was quick to let us know she still attends church and the joy in her eyes reflected the joy in her heart.
God blesses us from time to time when we learn that some of the seeds planted over many years in detention has landed on good soil. Here before us we saw evidence of God growing a crop of faith in Cheryl and her family through Youth 71Five Ministries. The joy this gives cannot be measured. Thank you for scattering seeds for the Kingdom of God— we see trust that leads to hope. MATT SWEENEY 71Five Connect Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 matt@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb