71Five Marketing Coordinator
Leif Amundsen is the marketing assistant at Youth 71Five Ministries. He was born in Medford and as the son of Bud Amundsen has grown up around youth ministry all his life.
When Youth 71Five was still Rogue Valley YFC, he attended he Phoenix Area Campus program during middle school and high school. After graduating from Phoenix High School, he went to attend Rogue Community College and at the same time became a 71Five Campus Volunteer at the Phoenix Area Campus. During a staff transition, Leif became the 71Five Campus – Interim Coordinator for Phoenix and Ashland, joined the 71Five Intern Program, and is the 71Five Marketing Assistant.
Leif graduated from Southern Oregon University in 2022 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and a Minor in Business.

71Five Marketing Coordinator
cell (541) 840-0059
529 Edwards Street
Medford, Oregon 97501
fax (541) 779-7702
office (541) 779-3275
GIVE to:
mail to: 529 Edwards Street, Medford, Oregon 97501 | (541) 779-3275 | office@71Five.org