Nov '20

Love Pursues 💕
Nov '20

Em always showed up in dark clothing and wouldn’t show her smile much. She preferred to sit far away from everyone, be on her phone, and wasn’t interested in participating in our activities. As weeks went by, we kept investing in Em. We’d ask her questions about her life and would find ways to get her interested in joining in. When kids were leaving to go home, we’d make sure to tell her that we loved seeing her and we’re excited to see her next time. Real love pursues, it doesn’t give up, it’s patient. At a recent 71Five Campus club night, Em walked in and she was wearing brighter clothing. We saw her smile more and she sat closer to the group engaging in conversation and laughing with everyone. We believe these visible outward changes, show Em feels loved and safe at 71Five.
Our hope is that she’ll come to know and believe the joyous truth of the Gospel. That even though we live in a world full of darkness, we have the hope and the light of Jesus Christ that saves us. “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” [John 12:46]. Thank you to all of you who partner with us financially, as volunteers, or as prayer warriors. You make this ministry possible! MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Coordinator – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB