Feb '20

Message of Love
Feb '20

A sweet coworker gave me some chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Hidden inside was one Dove dark chocolate, my favorite! I truly adore the little messages they put on the inside of the wrappers, a treat within a treat! This one’s a gem: “Believe in those you love.” So simple yet so deep. But that’s exactly what we do at Youth 71Five Ministries. We welcome at-risk youth from all walks of life, sometimes unimaginable walks of life, and we simply love on them. We pour out our hearts, our love and our energy to let them know that they truly are loved. Through unconditional love, we’re showing them that we believe in them just as they are; just as the Lord does with us. Through this love, they find encouragement, friendship, a safe place to “fit-in,” be accepted, and best of all, it leads to the eternal love of Jesus Christ which leads to hope.
Thank you for believing in the young people, for your overwhelming love, and continued generosity in supporting 71Five. You are reaching out to the many at-risk youth throughout the community and sharing God’s love and God’s story with them. DARLENE HARPER 71Five Mentors Director (541) 779.3275 darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB