Nov '22

“More Confidence”
Nov '22

At the start, I wasn’t sure if Lex was going to make it to the end. He had spotty attendance and wasn’t interested to engage in class. I encouraged him to continue through the program and finish the course. Thankfully Lex kept attending and we talked about life, church, and God. The staff prayed often and asked God to bless him and help him to seek after Jesus. As we moved to the hands-on training portion of the program, he chose to build a picnic table. He wanted to dedicate it to a previous classmate who had passed away from a motorcycle accident. Now with a purpose, Lex became deeply involved in this project and poured his effort into it with gusto. He finished his project with great delight, and was able to dedicate the table to the school he attended. When asked how 71Five VoTech helped him, Lex smiled and said, “I now have more confidence to try new things.”
Thank you for providing a place where students can come and can be loved, challenged to develop confidence in life, and encouraged to pursue Jesus.
JEFF MORITZ, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Grants Pass
(541) 450-7108 | jeffmoritz@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB