Nov '19

no “tricks”
Nov '19

After eating a fantastic meal donated by Hawaiian Hut, we sat down to talk about this week’s movie. I wanted to share about All Saints Day… not my usual connection between the movie and God’s word. I asked the kids, What was your favorite scene? At that point a parent raised her hand and said her favorite scene was when the main character did everything in His power to save and protect the little girl. Then a girl in the group said, “That’s what God does for us.” The group made the connection even when I had a different plan. God’s love and grace were proclaimed… the group was preaching to me! Now that was a treat I will cherish for a while. Together we are building trust with families that leads to the hope of life and freedom in Jesus.
No “tricks” here… Just the sweet “treats” of God’s love! Join us in reaching even more families and youth in our neighborhoods, schools, and communities. Please contact us at www.71Five.org or call 541-779-3275 LARRY LICATO 71Five City Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB