Apr '20

Online Clubs
Apr '20

A couple of weeks ago, I contacted CJ, one of the high schoolers who comes to 71Five Campus in Eagle Point. It was CJ’s birthday and he was really happy to hear from me. During our conversation he stated, “I really miss Campus. When’s it gonna be open again?” While I had to tell him it was going to be several weeks, I told him I would continue to reach out. Since he started coming to 71Five Campus, I’ve personally witnessed CJ’s growth in maturity and respect. He looks forward to the Youth Center reopening like so many other youth have said in the last month.
Thank you for all who have reached out with concerns about how this ministry is going through the hard time we’re facing right now. We’ve transitioned most of our ministry to calling, texting and video conferencing our students who once filled the Youth Centers. We’ve even connected with some new faces who enjoy this ‘virtual’ type of ministry. Because of your prayers and your support, we continue to connect with the youth in our communities and share the hope found in Jesus. PETER KUHL 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point (541) 779-3275 peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB