71Five Golf Challenge

Eagle Point Golf Course

May 17th 2025


Presented By: Metal Masters Inc.




Youth 71Five Ministries

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” [Psalm 71:5 icb]
G I V E   S T O R I E S   F U N D R A I S E R S   C O N T A C T    

Relational Ministry

We exist to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationships in any relevant way.
Find out more about each of our unique youth activities by clicking the button >>>

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Youth 71Five Ministries provides many opportunities for loving, caring, Christ-following adults to engage in the lives of lost and hurting kids. We aim to bring hope through relationship; providing a safe place to belong and sharing the message of the Gospel. There are a number of ways for you to be involved in the work God is doing in the Rogue Valley – there is a place for you on our team! Young people desperately need your friendship and the love of Jesus in their lives. Through your involvement and God’s power, we will see young lives transformed.


kids need a safe place

Too many kids lack nurturing homes and a sense of belonging. At our 71Five Campus Youth Centers, 71Five City Community Center and 71Five VoTech Training Centers, kids find a safe, fun place to relax and caring adults who take the time to know them. 71Five Campus programs provide opportunities to discuss life lessons from a Christ-centered perspective. 71Five City is an effective ministry model to transform the lives of inner-city youth, their families and the neighborhood communities that they live in.

kids need hope and encouragement

Many young people make poor decisions related to drugs and violence. These kids often end up in Juvenile Detention Centers feeling broken and hopeless. And our 71Five Connect Workshop reaches kids with a powerful resiliency program in local schools. The 71Five Adventure, 71Five Justice and 71Five Connect staff and volunteers offer listening ears and the hope and encouragement found in a relationship with God.

kids need someone to imitate

Kids are always looking for role models to imitate, but many are growing up in relational poverty where they have no good role models to follow. Our 71Five Adventure, 71Five Justice, 71Five Mentors, 71Five Parents and 71Five VoTech mentoring programs provide young people with long term trusting relationships with adults that form the foundation for healthy influence.

we are unique in our work

Although we offer fun and helpful programs for kids, our real work is building the relationships necessary for kids to thrive. By providing places where youth feel secure, by delivering a message of real hope, and by being people kids can truly count on, we are seeing lives transformed.


We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.


Youth 71Five Ministry Activities…

Youth 71Five Ministries Includes:

Youth 71Five Ministries exists to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationship in any relevant way. We believe that influence happens best through healthy, authentic, and trusting relationships.
We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.

Youth Event Registration:

Every month we usually do at least one extra activity.
Some examples of our activities are: Cave Quest, Snow-day, Paintball, Bowling, Fundraisers, Summer and Winter Camps, Rafting, Redding Water Slides, and lots more.


“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted in you since i was young.” [Psalm 71:5 icb]


Youth 71Five Ministries Involvement

Oregon Business magazine announced Youth 71Five Ministries is a 100 Best Nonprofit to work for! Youth 71Five Ministries is not only a workplace to grow and develop professionally, it’s a place that will change you personally. Our organization is also proud to be a GuideStar Platinum Nonprofit Profile participant. Platinum lets us show quantitative metrics on the progress we’re making toward our mission. We thank God for your generosity and we promise to use your financial gift wisely. Youth 71Five Ministries depends on the involvement of caring adults to accomplish our mission—to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationship in any relevant way. We believe that influence happens best through healthy, authentic, and trusting relationships. We are asking God to raise up an army of caring adults who will establish relationships with the youth in our communities. We need volunteers who will serve directly with students, mentoring advocates, intercessors, financial partners, and administrative help in the office. Wherever your gifts and talents lie, you can make an eternal difference in a young person’s life.


you can get involved

Operating in Jackson and Josephine Counties: (3) Youth Centers, (3) Community Centers, and (2) Training Centers. Building trusting relationships through these (9) initiatives: 71Five Adventure, 71Five Camp, 71Five Campus, 71Five City, 71Five Connect, 71Five Justice, 71Five Mentors, 71Five Parents, and 71Five VoTech.

“Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. Accept my work and learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will find rest for your souls. The work that I ask you to accept is easy. The load I give you to carry is not heavy.” [Matthew 11:28-30 icb]


Ready to Volunteer?

Give us your info and we’ll be in touch.

Life Change Stories

Read the latest Life Change Stories and Sign-up to get them delivered to your email here:


A Light of Hope. . .

Walter, one of the kids I work with had a big change during the 71Five Highschool camp this summer. During the 71Five Camp he decided to share a poem he wrote a couple months ago. The poem speaks about negative thoughts that were eating at him for some time. He had read some verses in the Bible that made him feel like he was an “abomination” to God.
I was able to open the Bible and show him there was a greater context he was missing. I talked to him about the fact that through Jesus we can all find forgiveness and hope. We read, wept, and prayed right then. Near the end of the camp, he came up to me with a new poem. It spoke about, even though he has dark thoughts, there is now a light of hope he can see coming from heaven.
Thank you for providing opportunities for kids like Walter to go to 71Five Camp… His life is changing for good.
LEIF AMUNDSEN, 71Five Campus Interim Coordinator – Ashland
(541) 840-0059 | leif@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Alonzo’s Homework

The first week of school I received a text from one of our volunteers. It was a picture of her son Alonzo’s homework. When asked to write about something he enjoyed, his written answer was, “71Five, I enjoy learning about god with my family…” Alonzo regularly attends our Kids Club with his siblings and cousins at 71Five City West Medford. His parents are also here serving as volunteers. It’s amazing to see the Lord reach an entire family as we share His story of hope with young people.
Thank you for giving them a place to build relationships and learn about God.
KEN RUIZ  71Five City – West Medford Coordinator  
(916) 519-4679 | ken@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


All In

Hailie was one of the first students I met when I began at 71Five Campus. She was very quiet and reserved. After many conversations, Hailie shared that she had accepted Jesus some time ago, but wasn’t ready to fully commit. As 71Five’s Summer High School Camp was approaching, I prayed for Hailie, that she would fully surrender her life to Christ. After the very first day at camp, she was a whole new Hailie! She was more bubbly than ever and was making new friends. On the last night at dinner, I brought up baptism, and before I could finish my sentence Hailie boldly said, “I want to get baptized!” Hailie was ready to “go all in.”
You made this story possible by giving scholarships to kids for 71Five Camp this summer… so teens like Hailie can finally go all in!
SARA NIELSEN,  71Five Campus Coordinator – Central Point 
(541) 816-6761 | sara@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


“It’s too hot out here!”

The summer went quicker than expected, although there were times I thought it would never end… We held a summer class of four students where they were challenged by a project of building two sheds for the local school. We had hot days of over 100 degrees so encouraging the students to endure through the heat was an equal challenge to the construction. As the work started, Christian, one of our students, said, “It’s too hot out here!” After suffering for a few days but not wanting them to quit, I brought three big umbrellas to provide some shade. The young men faithfully came throughout the summer, showing up to class early, working long days and then for two students, piling themselves and a bike into my little car to get home. In the middle of this tough, hot, grind, relationships were built, and lives were changed.
Whether before class, building sheds, making many mistakes, taking students home, or going out to lunch, you provided creative ways to build trusting relationships that lead to hope. These students learned to work hard in uncomfortable conditions. They learned new skills in the building trade. Best of all, they learned they are loved. Thank you for making a difference.
JEFF MORITZ,  71Five VoTech Coordinator – Grants Pass
(541) 450-7108 | jeffmoritz@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Big Guy in the Sky!

“I don’t want anything to do with some big guy in the sky.” That was the statement of Mark, one of the high school guys from 71Five Campus – North Medford on the first day of high school summer camp. Mark made it clear he didn’t believe in God or want anything to do with Him. Mark was at camp because he thought it would be fun and his friend invited him to go. In fact, 3 out of the 5 boys in my group considered themselves atheists. On day 3 of our camp though, I had a talk with each of those boys. When I talked with Mark, I asked him why he doesn’t believe in God. Mark told me about the trauma he endured through abusive situations in multiple foster homes. At one point in the past Mark had prayed that God would get him out of his situation and make his dad less angry. “God didn’t answer my prayer, so I figured I was on my own. So why should I believe in him?” Mark’s pain was genuine but by day three of camp, Mark came to know Jesus and accepted Him as his Savior. The people of Israel prayed for the Messiah to rescue them from Rome, but Jesus had a much better plan. Jesus didn’t rescue Israel from the oppression of the Romans, but used it for His glory. God didn’t rescue Mark from his abusive situation, but used it to get Mark right where he needed to be. On day 3 of camp, Mark came to know Jesus personally. On day 4, Mark was baptized.
Thanks for giving scholarships to kids like Mark to go to 71Five Camp and for reaching young people with hope. If you’d like to get more involved, give us a call at Youth 71Five Ministries: (541) 779-3275.
TIM HARDY,  71Five Campus Ministry Director – North Medford 
(541) 840-0960 | tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Growing Kids

I recently broke my clavicle and one of my long-time mentees called me to check in. After talking a while, he asked, “Beau, Is there anything I can do to help you?” When I mentioned, My lawn could really use a shave!” Without hesitation, he said he would be right over. We had a good chat after he finished with the lawn, and I felt overcome with love for him and could tell he was feeling the same for me. He’s told me many times that he thinks of me as a father. I’ve done a lot for him over the years, and we’ve walked through some tough things together. For him to not even hint at receiving payment for his work made me swell with pride in his growth and character. Although… we will need to discuss proper lawn mowing procedure which includes emptying the bag afterwards!
Thank you for growing these kids!
BEAU JESKA,  71Five Justice Ministry Director  
(541) 601-9631 | beau@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Prayer for Kaleb

Mia brings her young son Kaleb to 71Five Parents faithfully. Each night at group we pray before our dinner. Although they’re not required to pray, they’re requested to be quiet and respectful. Many nights when I’m praying young Kaleb will make faces to his sister, start sneaking bites of food, or just look around. The other night when I finished praying, I opened my eyes and Mia said “Look!” She showed me a picture she snapped of Kaleb while I was praying; his hands folded, and eyes closed tight. He made an unprompted choice to ignore all the distractions. That night Kaleb closed his precious little eyes and prayed with us.
71Five Parents has a unique opportunity to impact two generations at one time. Thank you for bringing real change in Kaleb’s life.
TERESA TONINI,  71Five Parents Coordinator  
(541) 941-1143 | teresatonini@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Transformed By The Fire

As I’ve worked with kids over the years, I’m often stunned by the amount of pain I see in their lives. I’ve noticed young teens are fairly quick to share their struggles and hurts. I’ve also noticed they often feel like they’re shouting into the wind, and nothing happens. This is when they choose to shut their mouths and things go dark and silent. They get cynical and feel nothing matters anymore because no one cares.
A couple weeks ago I went to our Middle School Camp and attended the campfire where kids shared their stories. Yet again I was shocked by how hurt many of the young people are. They were sharing struggles and hurts hoping for someone to care. I was blessed to see the kids weren’t shouting into the wind. Staff and other young people were coming to stand with them, listening, encouraging, and letting them know they’re loved. The kids also heard the message that God loves them and proved it by sending Jesus. During that campfire I saw in real time, lives were being transformed.
You provide the answer kids need when it feels like they’re shouting into the wind. They discover there is trust that leads to hope, indestructible and eternal. Thank you!!
BUD AMUNDSEN,  71Five Executive Director  
(541) 301-0897 | bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Hit & Miss

At 71Five VoTech – Medford we’re usually not training during this time of the year. However, we were asked to do one more 6-week class before summer break. At first this seemed like quite a stretch after a long school year. Additionally, this limits our time to prepare for the next school year. An announcement was sent out to test the interest. To our surprise we had a very large turnout for this summer session. Most of the students arrive 15-20 minutes early for each class and some stay and hang out way beyond the family style dinner we serve after class. During our group discussions at dinner, we’ve had students chatting between themselves about how going through drug rehabilitation really helped them. One of our students told us the other night, “I really need to be in 71Five VoTech right now.” Another student will be headed to college soon after graduating this session. He’s trying to prepare for independent living. One of our sessions is an introduction to the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system, which he’s using to work through this process.
Sometimes we’re asked to trust God by doing what doesn’t make sense. What we thought would be hit and miss attendance has turned into a life changing six weeks for both the students and the instructors. Thank you for making these life changing encounters possible.
JEFF KEENER,  71Five VoTech Assistant Coordinator – Medford 
(541) 890-8960 | jeffkeener@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


She Belongs

New things can be difficult sometimes, especially for Savanah. Middle School is a tough time in general even if you aren’t the “new kid.” It’s easy to find yourself feeling like an outcast, which is what Savanah has felt at past youth groups she’s attended. Savanah has autism, which makes it especially difficult for her to feel like she belongs, and she was hesitant the first time she came to 71Five Campus – Eagle Point. It was hard at first to find the courage to attend, but when she did, she instantly loved being there and made several new friends. Savanah finally found somewhere she could be herself, make friends, and be included in activities with all the other kids. She says, “Going to 71Five is the highlight of my entire week,” and she can’t wait to come on Fridays.

Thank you for being a part of Savanah’s journey. I can’t wait to see what God continues to do in her life through 71Five.

PETER KUHL,  71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator  
(541) 630-0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

