Relational Ministry
We exist to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationships in any relevant way.
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Youth 71Five Ministries provides many opportunities for loving, caring, Christ-following adults to engage in the lives of lost and hurting kids. We aim to bring hope through relationship; providing a safe place to belong and sharing the message of the Gospel. There are a number of ways for you to be involved in the work God is doing in the Rogue Valley – there is a place for you on our team! Young people desperately need your friendship and the love of Jesus in their lives. Through your involvement and God’s power, we will see young lives transformed.
kids need a safe place
Too many kids lack nurturing homes and a sense of belonging. At our 71Five Campus Youth Centers, 71Five City Community Center and 71Five VoTech Training Centers, kids find a safe, fun place to relax and caring adults who take the time to know them. 71Five Campus programs provide opportunities to discuss life lessons from a Christ-centered perspective. 71Five City is an effective ministry model to transform the lives of inner-city youth, their families and the neighborhood communities that they live in.
kids need hope and encouragement
Many young people make poor decisions related to drugs and violence. These kids often end up in Juvenile Detention Centers feeling broken and hopeless. And our 71Five Connect Workshop reaches kids with a powerful resiliency program in local schools. The 71Five Adventure, 71Five Justice and 71Five Connect staff and volunteers offer listening ears and the hope and encouragement found in a relationship with God.
kids need someone to imitate
Kids are always looking for role models to imitate, but many are growing up in relational poverty where they have no good role models to follow. Our 71Five Adventure, 71Five Justice, 71Five Mentors, 71Five Parents and 71Five VoTech mentoring programs provide young people with long term trusting relationships with adults that form the foundation for healthy influence.
we are unique in our work
Although we offer fun and helpful programs for kids, our real work is building the relationships necessary for kids to thrive. By providing places where youth feel secure, by delivering a message of real hope, and by being people kids can truly count on, we are seeing lives transformed.
We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.
Youth 71Five Ministry Activities…
Youth 71Five Ministries Includes:
Youth 71Five Ministries exists to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationship in any relevant way. We believe that influence happens best through healthy, authentic, and trusting relationships.
We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.
Youth Event Registration:
Every month we usually do at least one extra activity.
Some examples of our activities are: Cave Quest, Snow-day, Paintball, Bowling, Fundraisers, Summer and Winter Camps, Rafting, Redding Water Slides, and lots more.
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted in you since i was young.” [Psalm 71:5 icb]
Youth 71Five Ministries Involvement
Oregon Business magazine announced Youth 71Five Ministries is a 100 Best Nonprofit to work for! Youth 71Five Ministries is not only a workplace to grow and develop professionally, it’s a place that will change you personally. Our organization is also proud to be a GuideStar Platinum Nonprofit Profile participant. Platinum lets us show quantitative metrics on the progress we’re making toward our mission. We thank God for your generosity and we promise to use your financial gift wisely. Youth 71Five Ministries depends on the involvement of caring adults to accomplish our mission—to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationship in any relevant way. We believe that influence happens best through healthy, authentic, and trusting relationships. We are asking God to raise up an army of caring adults who will establish relationships with the youth in our communities. We need volunteers who will serve directly with students, mentoring advocates, intercessors, financial partners, and administrative help in the office. Wherever your gifts and talents lie, you can make an eternal difference in a young person’s life.
you can get involved
Operating in Jackson and Josephine Counties: (3) Youth Centers, (3) Community Centers, and (2) Training Centers. Building trusting relationships through these (9) initiatives: 71Five Adventure, 71Five Camp, 71Five Campus, 71Five City, 71Five Connect, 71Five Justice, 71Five Mentors, 71Five Parents, and 71Five VoTech.
“Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. Accept my work and learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will find rest for your souls. The work that I ask you to accept is easy. The load I give you to carry is not heavy.” [Matthew 11:28-30 icb]
Ready to Volunteer?
Give us your info and we’ll be in touch.
Life Change Stories
Read the latest Life Change Stories and Sign-up to get them delivered to your email here:
Jun '21

I need help!
Jun '21

“I NEED HELP AND NO ONE IS HELPING! I want to change; I don’t want to use and drink anymore but I don’t know how!” The Lord heard this young man’s cry for help in Juvenile Detention and showed up big-time. Today he is at the 6-month residential program called Barriers to Bridges inside the detention center with only a month to go. He is now a follower of Jesus, attends church twice a week, will be moving in with the pastor of Family Christian Ministry when he graduates, rides with 71Five Justice’s Break the Cycle twice a week and is excited for his future.
This is the work you do— building trusting relationships that lead to true hope. You just can’t argue with a changed life!
BEAU JESKA, 71Five Justice Coordinator
(541) 601-9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jun '21

teens highs & lows
Jun '21

There are a lot of highs and lows in youth ministry. One moment I can be sad from a teen I previously worked with who is a drug addict and feeding her addiction through prostitution. In another moment I can be happy about a middle schooler asking me for a Bible, knowing the Bible is going to change her life. Through all the highs and lows, I continually remind myself the results of young people accepting the wonderful hope that Jesus offers us is not in my hands. Sometimes I work with the same kids for years and years, telling them 100 different ways of how to accept Jesus, but they still don’t. It can be painful to watch their lives slowly turn further away from God even after so much love has been poured into them. Even for those kids, I know God’s Word can still impact them. I also know I’ve been called to do my part and love on kids unconditionally; and there are plenty of kid’s who’s lives do turn to Christ as a result.
What has God called you to do? Don’t let fear stop you. The results aren’t in our hands… they’re in God’s. If God is calling you to help the lost youth of our valley, please contact us. We would love to help you love on kids.
TIM HARDY, 71Five Campus Director and 71Five Campus – North Medford Coordinator
(541) 840-0960 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Jun '21

what you do
Jun '21

At 71Five it’s so easy to get distracted from our Mission as we work hard to meet the needs of kids. There are so many struggles they are facing. So… it’s incredibly important to pause and remember what we’re doing. I wrote this synopsis a couple years ago and I think it’s a good reminder of what we do.
“71Five makes every effort to ‘see’ each young person we encounter. We see them wherever they are— in school, in the ‘system’ or on the street. We see each as an individual with their own interests and needs. We see each of them struggle with some level of hurt and discouragement as they make their way toward adulthood. So, we provide safe, fun and informative activities where they can hear the life changing message of Jesus Christ in the context of a trusting relationship where trust will lead them to hope…”
What you do is powerful, seeing young people and providing trust that leads to hope! It changes lives forever.
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
(541) 301-0897 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '21

As He Is
May '21

Tucker excitedly yelled my name and told me he finally gained enough courage to attend my church’s youth night and how much he loved it! I was thrilled, and we excitedly jumped with joy! He shared, “I’ve never felt like I could fit in anywhere, especially with my social anxiety, but at 71Five I feel really welcomed, and I can just be myself and be accepted for who I am and how I am. That’s why I keep coming and that’s how I felt at church… AND my anxiety wasn’t even triggered!!! I’m so glad I went!”
71Five is a mission of the local church. We strive to plug youth into the local church where they can find fellowship, be a part of a safe community, learn and attain a deeper understanding of the Gospel. Thank You for making Tucker feel welcomed and accepted just as he is. Because of you, we are able to lovingly guide Tucker and many other young people towards a grander community that will forever love them as Christ loves us.
DARLENE HARPER, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '21

Voltmeter to Volunteer
May '21

A young lady with an awesome attitude and lots of potential joined our last class and took off like a rocket. This young lady faces many challenges in her life yet faces them head on. She’s all about asking questions and listened intently, whether to the training or when we shared God’s word at the end of the evening. She immediately absorbed the names of tools and the proper use of them, like socket wrenches and torque wrenches. My favorite comment from her came when we planned an upcoming brake repair. She said, “I’ve done a few of these… I got this… easy!” About 10 weeks into our class, she said something I really didn’t see coming, “Can I apply to be a Volunteer; I’d love to be a part of all that’s happening here!”
Because of your faithful love and support, this young lady went from “What’s a Voltmeter?” to “Can I volunteer?” She’s going to be a wonderful asset to 71Five VoTech and any auto shop she applies to. Thank you for being a part of this amazing transition for this young lady and many other students like her!
LARRY LICATO, 71Five VoTech Coordinator
(541) 890-1819 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '21

“on a roll”
May '21

A few weeks ago, there was a group of about five kids who were “on a roll” being very disrespectful. They were not listening to anything our volunteer’s or I had to say. It escalated to the point I finally had to ask them to leave. I don’t like to send kids away! They did came back toward the end of the night and asked to speak with me. I could tell they were willing to listen, and they accepted what I had to say, Before I even brought up apologizing, they offered to apologize. I used this incident as an opportunity to tell them I wanted them at 71Five Campus even though they had messed up, which they were quite surprised to hear.
So many kids today assume that if they mess up, they will be rejected and given up on. I am so blessed to give the youth in Eagle Point an example of God’s love and how He, through Jesus, excepts us and forgives us even though we don’t deserve it.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus – Eagle Point Coordinator
(541) 630-0648 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '21

The Unexpected
May '21

It was a rough night, the kids seemed tired and were really distracted. Dinner and games went well enough but during our Bible study and discussion time, it just didn’t spark much interest or conversation like it typically does. After wrapping up, I decided to play some card games as parents would start trickling in to pick up the kids. As the night wound down, I found myself in a completely unexpected conversation with Jason. He began to open up about his current struggle in weighing the cost of choosing the life of Christ vs. his addictions. What an amazing opportunity I was able to have in sharing how God’s Spirit can transform and empower us from the inside out!
Through your support of Youth 71Five Ministries, we are reaching these kids even in the in-between moments building their trust and providing places for them to be vulnerable. Thank you for playing a vital part in our relational ministry!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(541) 646-1475 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
May '21

the best we can do is pray 🙏
May '21

As the relationship develops between the youth and I, their relationship with God continues to grow as well. Sara for example, had been telling me about her best friend Allison with whom she has a special connection. Sara wanted her to come to club however Allison’s parents aren’t Christians and didn’t want her attending a faith-based event. Every week Sara would communicate how sad she was and how she wanted Allison to share in the fun she experiences. I pulled Sara aside to tell her the Good News “I can’t change Allison’s circumstances however God can. The best thing we can do is pray for her.”
The following week, Sara arrived to club in tears. She informed me that not only can Allison not come to club moreover her parents have forbidden her to be Sara’s friend. I offered a couple solutions to resolve the conflict but most importantly said, “Let’s pray!” A couple days later I received a phone call from Sara. She was so excited to tell me that Allison’s parents were going to allow her to come to club! I asked her if she thanked the good Lord for answering her prayers in which she replied “Yes!”
Allison has been attending club regularly for a couple months now. She absolutely loves it and is signed up for 71Five Camp this summer. Just as 71Five leaders communicate— hope can be found in a relationship with God that can make an eternal difference in a young person’s life.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five Campus – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '21

kacey’s surprise
Apr '21

Kacey shared her confusion with us on her second night attending 71Five Parents. She asked, “Isn’t this a Christian place?” I agreed, “Yes it is.” She continued with, “I am surprised you would have a group for us; don’t you see our babies as sins?” I could see the eyes of everyone else seeking the same answer. That night they left hearing that God loved each of them, loves each of their babies, and created them all for a purpose.
Thank you for caring! With your prayers, time, and financial partnership; young parents like Kacey can have a safe place where they can belong, and be affirmed of their identity in Christ.
TERESA TONINI, 71Five Parents Coordinator
(541) 941-1143 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
Apr '21

My Hope
Apr '21

“You’re the one I trust!” A young girl who comes to the 71Five Campus ‘club’ every week said these words to me privately as we were wrapping up one night. This young girl has been struggling mentally… emotionally… and spiritually for a year… or longer. She has chosen little by little to open up about her life and the things she’s going through. It’s clear she desires for someone to hear her and I desire to be the one who listens. We’ve bonded through fun times at club each week, listening, and showing her that I am here for her. We’ve developed a real, trusting relationship. My greatest hope is that the trust she’s placed in me will lead her to find real hope and an authentic trusting relationship with Jesus. Our hope at 71Five is that young people will discover and believe Christ’s great love and proclaim the words, “God, you’re the one I trust!”
Thank you for the work you do to provide opportunities to be here for the young people in our community.
MELANIE CIENFUEGOS, 71Five Campus – Phoenix Talent Coordinator
(541) 671-4128 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB