Relational Ministry
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Youth 71Five Ministries provides many opportunities for loving, caring, Christ-following adults to engage in the lives of lost and hurting kids. We aim to bring hope through relationship; providing a safe place to belong and sharing the message of the Gospel. There are a number of ways for you to be involved in the work God is doing in the Rogue Valley – there is a place for you on our team! Young people desperately need your friendship and the love of Jesus in their lives. Through your involvement and God’s power, we will see young lives transformed.
kids need a safe place
kids need hope and encouragement
kids need someone to imitate
we are unique in our work
We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.
Youth 71Five Ministry Activities…
Youth 71Five Ministries Includes:
Youth Event Registration:
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted in you since i was young.” [Psalm 71:5 icb]
Youth 71Five Ministries Involvement
you can get involved
“Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. Accept my work and learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will find rest for your souls. The work that I ask you to accept is easy. The load I give you to carry is not heavy.” [Matthew 11:28-30 icb]
Ready to Volunteer?
Give us your info and we’ll be in touch.
Life Change Stories
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Providing Opportunities 🙏


Love Pursues 💕


“I’ll go!”


I Love You Son 💕

Recently my 8-week old son was ill, he had a high fever and after a trip to the Emergency Department he was admitted to the Pediatric unit. Days later and after many horribly invasive tests they still had no idea what was causing the fever. Late Sunday, I was home with our 2-year old daughter when my wife called, she said they had received the results from the latest blood work and it didn’t look good. On my way to the hospital, I considered that my son may not survive this ordeal, my heart and whole being ached for him. I cried out to God, “Lord, I trust you and know that you are good but WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” And that is when, at the corner of Central and Jackson he whispered into my right ear, “See how you love him? That is a shadow of how I love you.” This wrecked me. I now understood that for me this was about my heavenly Father showing me just how much He loves me. About how much He loves all His kids. At that moment, He gave me peace. I was able to face my wife and be strong for her, with confidence, that regardless of what happened, He was going to use this for our good, because we love Him and are called according to His purpose.
This experience has enlarged my heart, for my family, co-laborers, volunteers, and most importantly, the lost and broken kids we minister to. Baby Beau is fully recovered, thank you for the overwhelming amount of love, support and prayers. BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Coordinator (541) 779.3275

Sharing Lunch


Wild Fire Relief


community on fire…

The text read “Praying for your community. So sorry for this loss. Grateful that you are bringing a message of hope and healing.” My response was, “Amen! We exist for times like this, right?” I’ve never experienced a time (even with 9/11) where people are stressed emotionally at the level I’m seeing today. People are grappling to get a handle on the reality of our situation (Covid, racial tensions, political turmoil and now huge impact due to fires), with more struggles coming as the long-term impact is felt by the community. These feelings are very much in the minds and hearts of our young people as well.
We truly do exist for times like this! While everything has changed… at the same time, nothing has. Our Mission is still to share God’s Story with young people through trusting relationships in any relevant way. We are in the business of relationships, building trust that leads to hope and we are committed to stay in our ‘lane’.
Things are very different though… Connecting with kids in this season of Covid-19 and online schooling means we’re working hard to provide safe places for kids to study, access to the internet, and adult help if they’re struggling. With the challenges related to the fire, we’re connecting with kids to help them process the hurts and fear they’ve experienced. We’re collaborating with other agencies to provide food and structured activities for young people who’ve been displaced. Also, a Fire Relief Fund has been set up to provide for the food, activities, and also outside-the-box needs other agencies aren’t designed to meet.
You still provide trust that leads to hope! The Mission hasn’t changed… just some of the methods. Thank you for bringing the message of hope and healing! BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275

trusting relationships 👬


Apology Accepted


reluctant smile peeked through