71Five Golf Challenge

Eagle Point Golf Course

May 17th 2025


Presented By: Metal Masters Inc.




Youth 71Five Ministries

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” [Psalm 71:5 icb]
G I V E   S T O R I E S   F U N D R A I S E R S   C O N T A C T    

Relational Ministry

We exist to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationships in any relevant way.
Find out more about each of our unique youth activities by clicking the button >>>

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Youth 71Five Ministries provides many opportunities for loving, caring, Christ-following adults to engage in the lives of lost and hurting kids. We aim to bring hope through relationship; providing a safe place to belong and sharing the message of the Gospel. There are a number of ways for you to be involved in the work God is doing in the Rogue Valley – there is a place for you on our team! Young people desperately need your friendship and the love of Jesus in their lives. Through your involvement and God’s power, we will see young lives transformed.


kids need a safe place

Too many kids lack nurturing homes and a sense of belonging. At our 71Five Campus Youth Centers, 71Five City Community Center and 71Five VoTech Training Centers, kids find a safe, fun place to relax and caring adults who take the time to know them. 71Five Campus programs provide opportunities to discuss life lessons from a Christ-centered perspective. 71Five City is an effective ministry model to transform the lives of inner-city youth, their families and the neighborhood communities that they live in.

kids need hope and encouragement

Many young people make poor decisions related to drugs and violence. These kids often end up in Juvenile Detention Centers feeling broken and hopeless. And our 71Five Connect Workshop reaches kids with a powerful resiliency program in local schools. The 71Five Adventure, 71Five Justice and 71Five Connect staff and volunteers offer listening ears and the hope and encouragement found in a relationship with God.

kids need someone to imitate

Kids are always looking for role models to imitate, but many are growing up in relational poverty where they have no good role models to follow. Our 71Five Adventure, 71Five Justice, 71Five Mentors, 71Five Parents and 71Five VoTech mentoring programs provide young people with long term trusting relationships with adults that form the foundation for healthy influence.

we are unique in our work

Although we offer fun and helpful programs for kids, our real work is building the relationships necessary for kids to thrive. By providing places where youth feel secure, by delivering a message of real hope, and by being people kids can truly count on, we are seeing lives transformed.


We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.


Youth 71Five Ministry Activities…

Youth 71Five Ministries Includes:

Youth 71Five Ministries exists to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationship in any relevant way. We believe that influence happens best through healthy, authentic, and trusting relationships.
We mobilize responsible caring adults to be engaged in trusting relationships with young people. We desire this for every young person in our valley. These relationships are the foundation for guiding young people according to the teachings of Jesus Christ—helping them to develop the mental, physical, social, and spiritual components of their lives. Young people will be given hope and purpose so they can thrive individually and strengthen our community.

Youth Event Registration:

Every month we usually do at least one extra activity.
Some examples of our activities are: Cave Quest, Snow-day, Paintball, Bowling, Fundraisers, Summer and Winter Camps, Rafting, Redding Water Slides, and lots more.


“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted in you since i was young.” [Psalm 71:5 icb]


Youth 71Five Ministries Involvement

Oregon Business magazine announced Youth 71Five Ministries is a 100 Best Nonprofit to work for! Youth 71Five Ministries is not only a workplace to grow and develop professionally, it’s a place that will change you personally. Our organization is also proud to be a GuideStar Platinum Nonprofit Profile participant. Platinum lets us show quantitative metrics on the progress we’re making toward our mission. We thank God for your generosity and we promise to use your financial gift wisely. Youth 71Five Ministries depends on the involvement of caring adults to accomplish our mission—to share God’s story of hope with young people through trusting relationship in any relevant way. We believe that influence happens best through healthy, authentic, and trusting relationships. We are asking God to raise up an army of caring adults who will establish relationships with the youth in our communities. We need volunteers who will serve directly with students, mentoring advocates, intercessors, financial partners, and administrative help in the office. Wherever your gifts and talents lie, you can make an eternal difference in a young person’s life.


you can get involved

Operating in Jackson and Josephine Counties: (3) Youth Centers, (3) Community Centers, and (2) Training Centers. Building trusting relationships through these (9) initiatives: 71Five Adventure, 71Five Camp, 71Five Campus, 71Five City, 71Five Connect, 71Five Justice, 71Five Mentors, 71Five Parents, and 71Five VoTech.

“Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. Accept my work and learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will find rest for your souls. The work that I ask you to accept is easy. The load I give you to carry is not heavy.” [Matthew 11:28-30 icb]


Ready to Volunteer?

Give us your info and we’ll be in touch.

Life Change Stories

Read the latest Life Change Stories and Sign-up to get them delivered to your email here:


“Great is Thy Faithfulness” 🙏

There’s a hymn that’s almost 100 years old that is probably very familiar to most of us. Its title is, “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and it speaks of God’s unchanging love and grace toward his people. Take a look at the chorus which is profoundly comforting as we face the needs of each day in these very uncertain times…

     Great is Thy faithfulness
     Great is Thy faithfulness
     Morning by morning new mercies I see
     And all I have needed Thy hand hath provided
     Great is Thy faithfulness
     Lord unto me

I try to remember there’s nothing we have that we haven’t been given. We live from hand to mouth— God’s hand to our mouth and the reality is… you are his hand. God has shown his faithfulness time and time again. A vast majority of His faithfulness comes from you and others that listen to His call, care about young people and faithfully sacrifice your own wants and needs for the sake of His work. The needs of kids have only increased due to all the uncertainty and the fear associated with it. We are staying faithful to our calling in new ways as we trust in the faithfulness of God through you.

Thank you for bringing ‘new mercies’ to lost and hurting young people! BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275 bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Paying the bill

Lee and Ricky were matched in 2014 when Ricky was 9 years old. They’ve enjoyed hanging out, hiking, or going to Lee’s home for a homemade dinner and DIY projects in Lee’s yard. Last year, Ricky got his first job and decided to make a special promise to Lee, that one day he would do something nice for him in return. Last December, Ricky followed through on his word and took Lee out to dinner, paying the bill for the first time ever. 71Five Mentors help at-risk youth learn how to create healthy, authentic, and loving relationships. These connections go deeper than typical friendships. Kids find hope in Jesus through these trusting relationships while gaining valuable life skills… like responsibility, goal setting, reliability, self-worth or even the significance behind a kept promise. Mentoring relationships are genuinely built through love and often last for many years.
Thanks to your support, mentoring relationships like Lee’s and Ricky’s become possible and promises once deemed unreachable become realities. If you feel God’s desire for you to become a mentor or be more involved, please call us and let us help you help the lost. DARLENE HARPER 71Five Mentors Coordinator (541) 779.3275 darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Finding His Niche

Arthur is a young man in the Barriers to Bridges (B2B) program who is also on the autism spectrum. He never talks, never smiles, always looks down and doesn’t participate in much. How he ended up in the Juvenile Justice System is a mystery to our team. One day Arthur was introduced to Mike, our welding instructor. Arthur spent a lot of time in the welding shop where he seemed to learn and thrive as he melted metal plates together. At the start of the last B2B class the director asked for volunteers to go into the welding lab and work on a project. Arthur lifted his head and for the first time, smiled and raised his hand. It appears he has found his niche at 71Five VoTech and is becoming one very good welder.
This niche that Arthur found was created by you through your support, prayers and encouragement. Please consider joining us with your Time and Talents to widen this ‘niche’ into a ‘valley’ of hope. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB



Online Clubs

A couple of weeks ago, I contacted CJ, one of the high schoolers who comes to 71Five Campus in Eagle Point. It was CJ’s birthday and he was really happy to hear from me. During our conversation he stated, “I really miss Campus. When’s it gonna be open again?” While I had to tell him it was going to be several weeks, I told him I would continue to reach out. Since he started coming to 71Five Campus, I’ve personally witnessed CJ’s growth in maturity and respect. He looks forward to the Youth Center reopening like so many other youth have said in the last month.
Thank you for all who have reached out with concerns about how this ministry is going through the hard time we’re facing right now. We’ve transitioned most of our ministry to calling, texting and video conferencing our students who once filled the Youth Centers. We’ve even connected with some new faces who enjoy this ‘virtual’ type of ministry. Because of your prayers and your support, we continue to connect with the youth in our communities and share the hope found in Jesus. PETER KUHL 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point (541) 779-3275 peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


What Sam Did

As I would gaze across the room, Johnny would always capture my attention. His interpretation of participating during the lesson meant hoodie over his head, strings drawn tight, and to stare at the floor. On the surface, this behavior can be seen as disrespectful, rebellious and disobedient. Johnny’s been attending 71Five Campus clubs, field trips, and camps for over a year now. Gradually, I noticed the walls coming down, the hoodie coming off, and he began asking questions. After I shared about baptism, he raised his hand and asked, “Can I do what Sam did?” Sam had been baptized during our winter camp and even though Johnny didn’t know how to describe it, he knew he wanted it for himself. “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” [1Timothy 4:12] Slowly Johnny’s faith was strengthened by hearing the Word and by watching Sam.
You see, all along, Johnny didn’t understand what was being taught. His response was to hide in hopes that he didn’t have to participate. Just as Timothy did, we at 71Five have set out as co-workers in God’s service to spread the gospel of Christ to strengthen and encourage them in their faith [1Thessalonians 3:2]. It takes time to build trust that leads to hope. By providing places where youth feel secure, and people kids can truly count on, you are transforming lives. FARRAH GUTHRIE 71Five Campus Coordinator – Grants Pass (541) 779-3275 farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Light in the Darkness

The launch of our Phoenix/Talent Youth Center Club at 71Five Campus happened to fall on the exact same day that Oregon announced school closures due to COVID-19. During our time together at club, a student named Xander said, “I’m sad that school is canceled, I love school.” This time can be hard on kids. Hearing the concern around us, led to us sharing a message of hope for our first night of club. We shared that our God is sovereign, works out all things for good, knows and loves each of us, and promises to be with us through all things. I looked at Xander and told him that we are going to make the most of this time, that we will use this time off of school to gather together outdoors and have some fun. His face filled with a smile and before he left, he mentioned that he loved coming to 71Five Campus!
We always have the goal of bringing hope to young people. During this uncertain season, that mission is set even heavier on our hearts. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” [Romans 15:13] If you would like to hear more about ways that you can get involved in bringing hope to these kids, contact me or check out our ministries at www.71Five.org. MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Area Director – Phoenix /Talent  (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


He has been faithful

God is always working on many levels to answer prayer. Israel was a young man who was reached by Youth 71Five Ministries staff while in custody at Jackson County Juvenile Detention, 15 years later he is the answer to my prayers as a key volunteer with 71Five’s Justice Break the Cycle Bike program. I have the privilege of watching him grow in his faith as he has committed to honoring the call God has placed on his life. He heard the Lord direct him to help me in any way he could and he has been faithful. What a blessing he has been on so many levels. It is truly amazing to witness God pour into his life as he pours himself out to help these hurting kids and it comes as no surprise to see all the pieces fit together so perfectly.
If you would like to hear more about all the rad opportunities to volunteer with Youth 71Five Ministries, give me a call or you can check out our ministries at www.71Five.org. Our programs have changed to meet the current Corona Virus situation but kids still need trusting relationships that lead to hope. BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Director (541) 779.3275 beau@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Current Response to COVID-19 Virus…

As a part of the 71Five Community, I wanted to let you know what precautions we are taking in our work with young people regarding the COVID-19 Virus. Be assured we are taking the safety of our kids seriously, continually monitoring current information and striving for an appropriate response to the situation. The situation is still very fluid but here are the internal measures we are currently taking.
  • We will adhere to the mandates of state and local government and follow the precautions of the schools and agencies we work with in their response to the threat.
  • With the closure of schools, we are cancelling indoor ministry activities as of March 14th. We will work to provide for the needs of young people by offering activities where we can meet outdoors.
  • We will cancel or postpone trips that use our vans for the month of March. We will reassess this on Wednesday April 1st.
  • No one with cold and flu symptoms will be admitted to ministry events including both youth and staff (paid or volunteer).
  • Extra cleaning— Staff will take the time for extra cleaning and disinfect hard surfaces in their ministry space. (e.g.- door handles, counters, bathroom surfaces, pool sticks, controllers and computer keyboards.)
  • We will remind youth to wash or sanitize hands frequently and not share food or drinks.
  • We will make sure to communicate to youth and volunteer staff to stay home if they feel at risk.
Remember, we can trust God in these circumstances which leads us to hope, an eternal and indestructible hope. Please join me in praying for the Lord to remove this threat and bring healing and comfort to those affected.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you. [Psalms 33:22] BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275 bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


How do you read your Bible?

It was only Ari’s second time in the North Medford Youth Center. Our new College & Careers group that she came for had only been running for about 1 or 2 months. She came because my wife, who she trusted, invited her. We taught her and the few others how to play a fun new board game. After the game, as is our tradition, I gathered everyone into the living room of the youth center where we did our “talk”. We pass out Bibles and show them how to get to the passage we are covering that night… Matthew 4, the temptation of Jesus. Using a Bible was new to her. I showed how Jesus used scriptures as he was tempted. Afterward, Ari wanted to talk more. She started asking my wife about how to read the Bible. She saw its importance and wanted to try to understand it but was overwhelmed by how big it was. My wife called me over and soon the two of us were showing her how to get started reading her Bible which led to us sharing what the Bible was all about. Eventually, I asked her if she knew how to go to heaven. She didn’t but really wanted to know. Ari accepted Jesus as her personal Savior that night at 71Five Campus! There were lots of hugs and Ari had an enormous smile on her face as she realized that her sins were forgiven and that she now was part of the family of God. What started as a trusted relationship with my wife led Ari to a relationship with Jesus.
Thank you for making these relationships possible and being a part of the team of people that reaches young people that need the hope found in Jesus. TIM HARDY 71Five Campus Area Director – North Medford  (541) 779-3275 tim@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb


what you’ve done…

Do you remember the stories we’ve shared? Here is what you’ve accomplished in the lives of several young people… There are so many more.

  • You brought a message of forgiveness to a gal guilty of crime and facing jail.
  • You communicated that life has purpose to young people who are discouraged and depressed.
  • You bring safety and fun into the lives of kids whose homes are not safe.
  • You’ve brought kind words and compliments to a boy who hears nothing but criticism and insults at home.
  • You offered faithfulness and trust to a young man with no one in his life he can trust.
  • You bring direction to lost kids with no ability to navigate life.
  • You have guided hundreds and hundreds of kids through trusting relationships to real hope— an eternal and indestructible hope in Jesus.

Someday I hope you can hear the thanks you deserve directly from the kids whose lives you’ve changed, but until then, hear the gratitude from me… Thank you!! BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275 bud@71Five.org

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

