May '20

Paying the bill
May '20

Lee and Ricky were matched in 2014 when Ricky was 9 years old. They’ve enjoyed hanging out, hiking, or going to Lee’s home for a homemade dinner and DIY projects in Lee’s yard. Last year, Ricky got his first job and decided to make a special promise to Lee, that one day he would do something nice for him in return. Last December, Ricky followed through on his word and took Lee out to dinner, paying the bill for the first time ever. 71Five Mentors help at-risk youth learn how to create healthy, authentic, and loving relationships. These connections go deeper than typical friendships. Kids find hope in Jesus through these trusting relationships while gaining valuable life skills… like responsibility, goal setting, reliability, self-worth or even the significance behind a kept promise. Mentoring relationships are genuinely built through love and often last for many years.
Thanks to your support, mentoring relationships like Lee’s and Ricky’s become possible and promises once deemed unreachable become realities. If you feel God’s desire for you to become a mentor or be more involved, please call us and let us help you help the lost. DARLENE HARPER 71Five Mentors Coordinator (541) 779.3275 darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB