Jul '19

powerless in the addiction grip
Jul '19

He’s been through the 6-month Barriers to Bridges program 2 times. Anthony is back at the Juvenile Detention Center… yet again, because of his substance abuse. When he’s released, he has every intention of staying away from his old places and familiar faces… But each time he slides back into his old pattern. Alcohol, cough syrup, pills, or all of the above and frequently resulting in unconsciousness or seizures. His “friends” just laugh as they leave him where he lays. He feels powerless in the grip of his addiction and the tears were flowing as we sat and talked. This time, after I shared the hope of the Gospel message and how Christ had freed me from the bondage of addiction in my own life, he asked me, “Where do I begin?” Like my own story, Anthony had to be broken enough to listen, to be hopeless enough to trust the message of the Gospel. Please pray… Please pray Anthony surrenders to Christ, he would die to self daily, and embrace the only true hope of Jesus.
Thank you for your prayers and for your partnership in offering trusting relationships that lead to this powerful hope! The work we are doing together is truly life and death. BEAU JESKA 71Five Justice Director (541) 779.3275 beau@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB