Feb '22

Feb '22

I recently bussed 4 kids from their school to one of our elementary clubs. On the ride over I asked, “How’s School?” and received the typical “Good” and “Fine” answers. Digging deeper, I asked what their favorite part of school was. There was a silence, and then Jayden said “Recess!” The others laughed and agreed, all but Sammy, the smallest of the bunch. She responded with “Not me, I hate recess!” She shared how she has no friends and sits all by herself at recess and lunch time. Then, with a jump in her seat, she said “But this is my favorite part. Club! Because I get to play and have snacks!” It was a bittersweet moment as we arrived at her favorite place, Club! 71Five Club isn’t just a place “to go”… it’s a place where many young people find refuge, acceptance, and loving adults who genuinely desire to come alongside them and do life together, even if it’s just playing the game “telephone”, like we did that day!
You provide youth clubs, activities, camps, and more throughout the year where kids can come as they are and build trusting relationships that lead to hope. Thank you!!
DARLENE HARPER, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 | darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB