Aug '20

reluctant smile peeked through
Aug '20

John and his brother consistently come to 71Five Campus. We’ve found out they come from a broken home. They have moved around a lot and don’t have a consistent father figure in their lives. During one of our Friday night clubs, John and his brother got into an argument. John already seemed to be a little off this particular night and this pushed him over the edge. He picked up his backpack and left the youth center. As I stepped outside to talk to him, he was nowhere in sight. I called for him and soon everyone else was calling for him too. After a couple of minutes, John came walking from around the corner. I was so relieved to see him. My husband, Tyler, went up to him privately and asked, “Are you okay?” and John said, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Tyler looked him in the eyes and said, “You seriously scared us John… never do that again!” John nodded, but a reluctant smile peeked through. He scared us because we care about him, and he felt it in Tyler’s words. Incidents like this build trust. Young people learn we are here for them not because we have to be but because we sincerely care about and value them.
71Five Campus gives us the opportunity to build trusting relationships with kids like John. Through caring relationships, young people can come to know Jesus and His unconditional love. These opportunities exist because you give, pray and volunteer – thank you! MELANIE CIENFUEGOS 71Five Campus Coordinator – Phoenix /Talent (541) 779-3275 melanie@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB