Sep '20

Sharing Lunch
Sep '20

Two weeks ago, as the boys from B2B Juvenile Justice sat down for lunch, they all pulled out the bag of chips and then set the rest of their bag lunches on the workbench. I asked what was going on and their staff leader said, “They want to donate their lunches to the homeless in our neighborhood.” Being overwhelmed, I turned to one of my volunteers and asked, “What just happened here?” He said, “These young men have been treated with respect and have seen what sharing and giving is like. I guess, in their way, they want to give back.” Then one young man said without hesitation, “We have plenty, we’ll eat again later.” They’ve been sharing their lunches ever since.
In a gentle and organic way, these young men are becoming followers of Jesus’ example and are feeling the blessing that comes with giving. I believe, the boy that gave Jesus his loaves and a couple of fish was blessed much more than the people who were fed. I hope you are blessed by this report as you too are giving and caring for these young adults in so many different ways. Come join us to further the great commission… making followers of Jesus. My phone number is (541) 779-3275. Hoping we’ll talk soon! LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Coordinator (541) 779-3275 larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB