Mar '21

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Mar '21

Olivia is a sweet, sensitive, and smart girl. She’s also a self-proclaiming introvert … very shy, doesn’t like change or loud noises. The smallest of crowds give her anxiety. One would think that not having to leave home would be an introvert’s dream, yet that was not the case for Olivia. She’s attended 71Five Mentors for over 3 years. When we went virtual because of COVID, she felt a sense of loss. “Since my family doesn’t have a car, going to 71Five was the only time I ever really left my home.” In January, we relaunched our Elementary Club and Olivia was the first to arrive! She was extra excited to return and shared, “My favorite part is being able to spend quality time with other people.”
71Five doesn’t only exist to share the gospel with young people, but to share God’s story through trusting relationships. For Olivia, this meant showing up, sitting together for dinner, participating in our bible message, and engaging in our activities. For a young girl who is introverted, shy, and anxious in crowds, Olivia understood spending quality time with others was worth stepping out of her comfort zone. Thank you for creating a safe and comfortable environment for the most vulnerable of kids to want to come and be a part of 71Five.
DARLENE HARPER, 71Five Mentors Coordinator
(805) 202-9125 | darlene@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB