‘Socially Awkward’

As you may know, many of the youth today lack a direction and a purpose for living. Here at 71Five our goal is to assist young adults to find that direction and purpose. One wonderful example of this is a young man that has attended 71Five VoTech Training and came back again and again. He was the first to arrive and always the last to leave. I was very impressed with his dedication and willingness to help as needed. The only drawback was that he almost never spoke and in his own words is ‘socially awkward.’ As I sat next to him at graduation a thought came to me to invite him to become a volunteer here at 71Five VoTech in Medford. He said, “Can I do that?” I told him that he would be a great asset to the program and that he could be a great help to the students. He nearly immediately went to our main office and filled out an application and has now finished the process of becoming not only our youngest volunteer but our first alumni student to become a volunteer. On his application there is a question that asks, what is your greatest challenge to being a volunteer. He answered, “I lack social skills.” I am sure that will change in time, but I see this also as an asset, as he can relate and connect with so many of our students that also lack social skills.

Jayden, I am excited to have you on the team and looking forward to seeing how God will be leading you in this exciting endeavor as you began as a student and now a volunteer with 71Five VoTech.

LARRY LICATO,  71Five VoTech Coordinator – Medford 

541.890.1819 | larry@71Five.org

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
