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71Five Staff

Youth 71Five Ministries Team

We are blessed to have a dedicated team of staff passionate about serving our local youth. Youth 71Five Ministries is not only a place to grow and develop professionally, it’s a place that will change you personally. We’re a place where careers in “raising lifelong followers of Jesus” are made. Youth 71Five Ministries is always searching for high-integrity individuals that desire to directly or indirectly impact youth. For general inquiries, please call our office at (541) 779-3275 or email office@71Five.org

Aaron Faust

Beau Jeska

Breanna Stoutenburgh

Bud Amundsen

Chris Willis

Darlene Knudson

Deanna Jones

Frank Matz

Isaiah Abney

Jeff Keener


John Lingafelter

John Young

Larry Licato

Laurie Heiselman

Leif Amundsen

Lisa Stadtmiller

Mark Shemamer

Martin Corder

Melanie Parsons

Misty Duke

Peter Kuhl

Rachel Simonsen

Ryann Fleece

Sara Vassallo

Shane Skirvin

Teresa Hutley

Teresa Tonini

Wendy Collins