Life Change Stories
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“Can we talk about hard stuff?”

One evening, as club night wrapped up at 71Five Campus – Central Point, a few of us including myself, another leader, and a couple of students wandered back inside to grab some water and begin cleaning up. We sat for a while, chatting about the usual middle school topics—school, friends, and home life. That’s when Amanda asked, “Can we talk about hard stuff?” For the next half hour, Amanda opened up about the struggles she’s been carrying: challenges at school, dealing with bullying, adjusting to yet another foster home, and trying to process traumas that many her age just don’t understand. Amanda didn’t need quick fixes or easy answers—she needed someone to be present and listen. In a tangible way, to show her the love of Jesus. Because of 71Five, she had a place where she felt safe enough to ask, “Can we talk about hard stuff?”
SARA VASSALLO, 71Five Campus Coordinator – Central Point
(541) 816-6761 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

Time & Effort

In the Wednesday morning shop class at 71Five VoTech – Grants Pass, six students, five boys and one girl began a simple yet profound journey. Their task? Build a wooden box. The challenge? Use only hand tools. At first, the idea of crafting something without power tools seemed slow, even frustrating. But `week by week, something changed. They discovered the rhythm of the work, the rasp of the saw, the steady tap of the chisel, the satisfying slice of the plane. The hand plane became their favorite. At first, they struggle digging too deep, shaving unevenly. But as they practiced, they found joy in the whisper-thin curls of wood that fell away, the smooth surfaces left behind, the way the tool seemed to hum in their hands when used just right. The box itself was never perfect. Each week, a new lesson emerged—how to square a corner, how to make joints fit snugly, how to sand by hand with patience. Each week, the box grew closer to completion but more than that, so did they. Through this project, they learned not just woodworking but perseverance. They encouraged each other when a saw cut strayed off course. It wasn’t about finishing the box quickly, it was about learning, growing, and taking pride in their craft. Somewhere between the first rough-cut boards and the final smoothing of the wood, something deeper took shape. Confidence. Teamwork. The realization that good things take time and effort.
AARON FAUST, 71Five VoTech Assistant Coordinator – Grants Pass
541.761.5143 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

The Spirit Realm . . .

SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five Campus Coordinator – North Medford
(541) 646-1475 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

Overdosed Again

BEAU JESKA, 71Five Operations Director
541.601.9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

Step In


Wanting Love

In case you forgot what you are accomplishing in the lives of young people. I hope this story reminds you of the hurt and hopelessness so many of our young people feel… And the hope that comes through a trusted adult friend to listen, to walk along side, and show this young girl the love of Jesus. You’ve brought hope and healing to another lost and hurting young person.

Cautious To Connected

LARRY LICATO, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Medford
541.890.1819 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

Supporting a Cause . . .

I’m sure we all know kids who can say things that are slightly out of pocket. Odds are you just thought of one right now. Preston, a 13-year-old middle school student at 71Five Campus in Eagle Point, is just that kid, whose candidness can catch me off guard at times. One evening Preston’s sister handed me a letter that Preston had written. My initial response was that of slight hesitation, but as I started to read, I realized how much of an impact I and the rest of our volunteer staff have had in his life. He said, “I can feel the love of Jesus when I’m with them.”
PETER KUHL, 71Five Ministry Director – Eagle Point
541.630.0648 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

The Learning Process!

Last year was my first couple of months being the 71Five City Coordinator. It was also the year I learned that even though things don’t always go as planned, it doesn’t mean that its all bad. There were times I couldn’t find the right game to play, the lesson didn’t go as planned, and the food didn’t turn our just right! To really drive this lesson home, I had my van breakdown on the way back from the California Redwoods. Two students (on their very first 71Five trip) came up to me and told me with much joy that they in fact “…had such a great time!” When we couldn’t find the game… Some had a good laugh! When a lesson didn’t go as planned it still touched a students heart! And, when the food was served a little cold… Some kids still had a good meal. Last year taught me that it’s not about everything going right, but to rely on God… everything is going according to His will.
ISAIAH ABNEY, 71Five City – Liberty Park Coordinator
(706) 748-1999 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB

Overwhelmed by the Experience!