Life Change Stories

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what you’ve done…

Do you remember the stories we’ve shared? Here is what you’ve accomplished in the lives of several young people… There are so many more.

  • You brought a message of forgiveness to a gal guilty of crime and facing jail.
  • You communicated that life has purpose to young people who are discouraged and depressed.
  • You bring safety and fun into the lives of kids whose homes are not safe.
  • You’ve brought kind words and compliments to a boy who hears nothing but criticism and insults at home.
  • You offered faithfulness and trust to a young man with no one in his life he can trust.
  • You bring direction to lost kids with no ability to navigate life.
  • You have guided hundreds and hundreds of kids through trusting relationships to real hope— an eternal and indestructible hope in Jesus.

Someday I hope you can hear the thanks you deserve directly from the kids whose lives you’ve changed, but until then, hear the gratitude from me… Thank you!! BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Message of Love

A sweet coworker gave me some chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Hidden inside was one Dove dark chocolate, my favorite! I truly adore the little messages they put on the inside of the wrappers, a treat within a treat! This one’s a gem: “Believe in those you love.” So simple yet so deep. But that’s exactly what we do at Youth 71Five Ministries. We welcome at-risk youth from all walks of life, sometimes unimaginable walks of life, and we simply love on them. We pour out our hearts, our love and our energy to let them know that they truly are loved. Through unconditional love, we’re showing them that we believe in them just as they are; just as the Lord does with us. Through this love, they find encouragement, friendship, a safe place to “fit-in,” be accepted, and best of all, it leads to the eternal love of Jesus Christ which leads to hope.
Thank you for believing in the young people, for your overwhelming love, and continued generosity in supporting 71Five. You are reaching out to the many at-risk youth throughout the community and sharing God’s love and God’s story with them. DARLENE HARPER 71Five Mentors Director (541) 779.3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Where I got my start…

I have found amazing things happen by treating young people with respect, giving them projects to work on, and allowing them to make mistakes. We also need to listen to our youth. When we do these things… What I found is “They thrive.” Many of the youth come from horrendous home lives or no home lives at all, like the youth from 71Five Justice who spend 2 days a week in our 71Five VoTech training program. The boys recently built a large scrap wood box. As we painted it, one of the boys exclaimed, “I have never painted anything before in my life.” Later, while eating pizza after class, another young man called out, “Someday I’m bringing my family here to show my sons where I got my start.”
Pslam 22:6 states: Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. The NIV renders train as “Start” This is how you are effecting the youth of our Rogue Valley build trust that leads to Hope. LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director (541) 779-3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


never alone

We recently took a group of High School students to Sunriver. This year’s trip seemed to impact all who attended. With tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat, Connor shared, “I have always been afraid of being alone. But, thanks to 71Five, I know now… I will never be alone!” Connor went on to share that because of the loving relationships he’s found at 71Five, he gave his life to Jesus. Connor knows God will always be with him in good times and bad. This knowledge has brought him hope. Connor also shared how grateful he is for all of his friends at 71Five… Friends that love well because they love Jesus!
Thanks to your partnership, young people like Connor have hope. Hope that can only come from Jesus through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for bringing trust that leads to hope. ROBERT MILTON 71Five Campus Area Director & Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


“why so angry?”

The day before winter camp, Joey’s parents told me they don’t know why he’s so angry. As a youth leader, I’m always looking for opportunities to have meaningful conversations with students. After the trip, I told Joey’s parents I hadn’t found the right moment to talk. About an hour after I hung up, a student told me she had a conversation with Joey about his parents. She encouraged him to be respectful and to put more effort into being Christ-like. He confided that he really wanted a good relationship with his parents. Later, he told her camp changed his perspective and he wanted to spend more time with his parents.
I’ve come to realize it’s not always about my influence as director, it’s about the environment Youth 71Five Ministries creates. The conversation this student had with Joey was most likely far more effective than the one I’d have. Philippians 1:5-6 says, “…because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Wherever leaders, volunteers, and students gather, 71Five fosters an atmosphere where building trusting relationships lead to hope. FARRAH GUTHRIE 71Five Campus Area Director – Grants Pass (541) 779-3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Building Better Futures

I counted 16 of them in the room that evening… kids really, yet not kids. They ranged in age from 16 to 19 and all of them were in the Transitional Living Program run by Hearts with a Mission. The transition they’re working on is from childhood to adulthood and Larry & I were there to help. Larry is the 71Five VoTech Director and together we spoke about the career & life opportunities 71Five offers through vocational training. After the pulled pork, we talked about the future… their future. 71Five VoTech exists to build better futures both here with career & life skills as well as a future of eternal life through Jesus.
When we were done most of these budding adults asked for applications but what they were really asking for, was hope and vision for a better tomorrow. Right now, 71Five VoTech needs men & women skilled in the trades, willing to share and help build that vision. Call us and let’s talk about how you can change lives. MATT SWEENEY 71Five Ministry Coordinator (541) 779-3275 LARRY LICATO 71Five VoTech Director
(541) 779-3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


remember the difference-makers

Take a moment and think of someone in your life who was a difference-maker for you. Isn’t it amazing how those memories stick with us? Would that person even remember it? Does it matter?
I recently bumped into a young lady I had met in Detention 2 1/2 years ago. She was so happy to see me and eager to tell me what an impact our discussions about Jesus had had on her life. What a blessing! When we are obedient to the calling God has placed on our lives, He does a mighty work… work that matters… work that endures. Her life is a testament to His power. Thank You, Lord that You did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Not our power, not our love, but Yours flowing through us. What we do matters, and He gives us the courage to walk out our calling, to help effect change that lasts an eternity.

Thank you for joining 71Five Justice in this work—your prayers, your resources, your time… all of these things make a difference. This young lady remembered it and she told me it mattered to her. BEAU JESKA  71Five Justice Director  (541) 779.3275

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Are they ready?

As a parent, it is hard to imagine that in only a few months my 14-year-old son will be allowed by the state to start driving me around the city with real people on the roads. As much as I love my son, the question keeps coming to mind, “Is he ready… or not?” As the 71Five Campus North Medford Area Director, I feel this way with a lot of the kids I work with. These kids are about to be released into the world and will be our next leaders or our next burdens on society. I would prefer they are followers of Jesus who will help correct many of the wrongs in our community. I often fear we may get instead: drug addicts, porn addicts, and alcoholics desperately searching for jobs they don’t qualify for. These kids are about to become “something”.
I’m thankful we have the transforming love of Jesus to share with these kids. I’m thankful for the few volunteers who step up and invest in the lives of these young people helping them make the right decisions. But, it often feels like it’s not enough. We desperately need more volunteers. We need more people who will help make a difference in the lives of teens. Young people are being formed into “something”… will you help transform them into Jesus followers?
Give us a call at (541) 779-3275 or visit our website at to find out how you can make a difference in the life of a young person. TIM HARDY 71Five Campus Area Director – North Medford  (541) 779-3275

“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 icb


“seeing” is the difference

Do you remember the movie ‘Avatar’? A small part of that movie has stuck with me… It’s the greeting of the natives— when they meet, they say, “I see you,” meaning: I’m with you, my attention is on you and I distinguish you as an individual. At Youth 71Five, “seeing” each young person drives us to be focused on individual, trusting relationships. Also, as the youth culture changes over time and from community to community, we’re willing to flex our methods to stay effective. Our recent push into VoTech training and the Mountain Biking program are two examples of this organizational value.
By “seeing” young people in this way, you provide the broadest opportunity for them to connect with a program they need and enjoy. You also provide a trusting relationship with a godly, caring adult who will also “see” them and meet their individual needs.
Thank you for “seeing” each young person! You provide trust that leads to an eternal and indestructible hope in Jesus Christ. BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB


Can you do this simple act?

In the short time, I’ve been the Director of 71Five Mentors I’ve had a chance to visit some of our other ministry sites. One night at Juvenile Detention, our 71Five Justice team and I connected with a young girl who was struggling with her best friends’ suicide. She was upset and couldn’t find answers to her many questions, (including why He stopped her from ending her own life weeks before). With a listening ear, love, and friendship, we brought her hope for a better tomorrow through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are more at-risk youth like her across this valley that can be reached. 71Five Mentors currently has a list of kids K-12 waiting for caring adults to come alongside them and say, “I’ll be your friend.”
The time is now, because if not now, then when? If not us, then who? Can you do it? Will you be that friend? Call us at (541) 779-3275 and let’s talk about what it takes to connect with a kid. DARLENE HARPER 71Five Mentors Director (541) 779.3275
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB