Jul '22

Summer Camp Chaos
Jul '22

Sometimes club runs smoothly, sometimes it doesn’t. I started to notice that each week, there was a whirlwind of chaos that was ensuing. Wherever this chaos was, so was this particular student. After confronting this student several times with little to no change in her behavior, I knew I had to talk to her parents. I told her mom that with the way she is treating others and disrespecting leaders, we are going to have to take a break from club for a couple of weeks. With Middle School Summer Camp around the corner, her mom decided to not allow her to go as a disciplinary action. I prayed about it for a couple days and felt the Lord nudging me to revisit the conversation with the mom. I called her back to share with her that after praying about this student, I really felt that she needed to go to camp. 71Five Camp isn’t necessarily only for kids with good behavior, it is especially for those who struggle to make good decisions. I went on to explain that camp is a safe place surrounded with leaders who are ready to correct, encourage, motivate, and love on young people hurting. There are many relationships to navigate during camp so it’s the perfect environment to practice social skills.
Before I hung up the phone, the mom was already agreeing with what God had spoken to my heart. Not only did the student attend camp, she also appreciated the opportunity. I know this because she thanked me for believing in her and knowing that she has potential. I want to thank you for not only knowing that these youth have potential, but for giving them the opportunity to build trusting relationships that lead to hope.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB