Oct '22

The Eleventh Hour
Oct '22

I received a text from Trevor just before middle school camp. He’d stopped coming to club and wasn’t really plugged in to begin with. The text read, “I sort of got in some trouble and was wondering if you had any volunteer opportunities?” Within an instant, the Lord prompted my heart to invite him to be a leader in training at 71Five Camp. I hesitated to respond but after praying, I was confident in what the Lord encouraged me to do. When I responded, he anxiously replied “Ok, I’ll go.” My hesitations and worries were blown out of the water as I saw the Lord at work in his life. Many of the student’s most memorable moments were a direct result of Trevor’s leadership, compassion, character, and love. It was on the last day of camp he rededicated his life to Jesus and as it came time to part ways, Trevor was excited to get back into club, his church, and begin rearranging his priorities.
Unfortunately, when we returned, I didn’t hear from Trevor for over 2 months. I reached out to him several times with no response. When our 71Five VoTech training was to begin a new session, I reached out relentlessly with the same result. After training had already begun, the Lord was still urging me to pursue Trevor. He reminded me that He pursues us always, even when we don’t respond. In the 11th hour so to speak, Trevor reached out to me. He’s now enrolled in our program, living at 71Five VoTech housing, and doing extraordinarily well. I’m looking forward to writing about the next chapter of Trevor’s story as God continues to use 71Five to pursue relationships that lead to hope.
FARRAH GUTHRIE, 71Five City – Grants Pass Coordinator
(541) 840-6544 | farrah@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB